Will this power suplly work w/ my computer?


Feb 23, 2012
Hi! This is my computer: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c03043596&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=5157018

I have an integrated G card, Rad. 6550D, and am buying/upgrading to both a 600w power supply, and Radeon. HD 6950 (links down below.)

My question is, before I but this is there anything I might regret. (NOT BUYING A GTX!) The power supp. needed is 550w, I have 600watts. Good? Does more watts make a difference?

Lastly is the installation of both the power supp and 6950 just unplug, plug in, and go!!!?

LAST LASTLY: Anything else I should know?? God I want that card... :bounce:

Well if you're using that PSU, I guarantee your PC will blow up in a matter of days or maybe even weeks. Going cheap on a PSU, not a good choice.

Here is a list of Recommended PSUs

More watts do make a difference. If you have a bit of head room (BUT NOT TO MUCH), then your system will be running at maximum efficiency.

Let me say this first, with degrading of a PSU, go with a 650 watt. I"m not gonna say anything about an 80 plus gold PSU except for the heat advantages, they run cooler. A 650 watt PSU should fit, although if you could throw me a link of the actual PSU you're looking at buying in the 600-650 range, that'd be great. You also have to consider the length of the card, do you have enough space in your case? It's a big card.

It's not exactly plug and play but it's close enough. You have to download drivers, but I'm sure you understand that (If you don't, that's ok, just ask about it in your reply.) I hope that helped, feel free to ask about any areas that are still unclear for you!

Wow, Tom's Hardware's users are prettyy fast replying! Sorry, but I just found outb that 6950 vs. 6970, only difference is BIOS so I will upgrade it! Basically, look at the picture on this page. THE FIRST ONE: http://www.techpowerup.com/articles/overclocking/vidcard/159

You see allll the red parts? That's what AMD decided they would basically LOCK, but you can unlock is thus turning a dumbed down 6970 to a inteligent. 6970.

Of course I know how to install the drivers, as long as you mean through either device manager or Windows Update. So I'll find a good hefty 680-650 watt PSU (that stands for Power Supply Unit, right?) and the length of the card, I'm asuming you mean the 6970, the 6950 is what I'm getting, and is the same shape/size so it will fit right on my motherboard PCI slot, and I have a prodigous case so... yup. Anything I forgot to reply to? Thanks! Your awesome guys!!! :)

:facepalm: I don't know what a CPU bottlenecking issue is or how you get it. Couldya explain? (I know CPU = central processing unit.)

Are you planning on eventually building your own PC entirely, just gradually replacing parts from this one until you have something new without bottlenecks? Because, right now you've got serious CPU bottlenecks, and you will even if you overclock. AMD APU's are not meant for gaming, they're meant for an enhanced day-to-day computing experience, a smoother one. if your buying the 7970 and the PSU as an upgrade right now, but also the beginnings of a new system, well, I support that. You will see pretty bad bottlenecks. You will really only be getting $200 out of this $600 card, if you want to upgrade now for this computer, get a cheaper card. I hate to crush your hopes but you'll save a lot of money. I don't know if that works for you, if it doesn't we might be able to come up with a middle ground.

Whoa whoa whoa, no way am I buying a $600 GPU which will be outdated in 4 months. I'm getting the $200 6950! :) Then around summer I will definitely upgrade the CPU but come on, 4 core APU 2.4GHz rated at 5.4GHz and can be OCed to 2.7GHz. I'm not looking to playing 2014's CoD best settings w/ this, I'm looking for 2012/13 games at 1080p max setts. I kiiinda almost know no offense this CANT be bottleneckin it. Hell, *** it. I'll even OC it to 3.2GHz if need be. IDC as long as it last another 12-24 months. Yea, does that make it clear?
Yea like the dude above me said, you're not going to get the performance you hoped for with such a bottleneck.

CPUs aren't just frequency and cache, it's mostly about the architecture (Bulldozer for example). The APU is basically an enhanced 32nm Athlon which means it under performs a Phenom 2 and don't even get me started with Sandy let alone Ivy...

You're better off sticking to that PC until you can afford to build a new one.

No. You cannot successfully OC a 3850. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/amd-a8-3850-llano,2975-7.html

What games will you be playing? You can't play BF3 at max on 1080p with a APU but games vary.

OCing a 3850 might give you a small boost, but you can only get a small OC because they locked the multi. OCing it will most likely crash your system and basically fry your I/O and mobo.

Wow WTF I just got this COMP for Christmas and your telling me its garbage? *** sakes... I need to get some crap straightened out. I guess I'll probably just make a comp and take this peice of *** LIE back.

Sorry 🙁

Your system isn't GARBAGE. It will play most games fine at medium settings and maybe high for non-graphically intensive games. Just save up for Haswell in the time being (2013- I know, long wait).

If you could return your PC, you could make a build right now with Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge with patience.

This is a fine lesson: Never buy factory built machines. Always build.
I do believe that is probably apparent to you by now. The question is what we should do about this moment right here. My suggestion is that if you want to play CoD on ultra in 2014, you should probably buy an xBox given the probability that CoD will not be produced for PC in 2014, or will be locked to the exact same graphics of consoles. If you still want to upgrade this machine after all the bad news we've given you about it you should probably buy a cheaper card, maybe a 550 ti, or HD 7770. That should work out for you pretty cheaply, the PSU will be cheaper too.

I would like to say that I too have been down this road. I have tried to upgrade a very limited PC and failed. So I built a new one, partially payed for by the money I made selling the other one. I'm incredibly happy with the PC I built, it ran me around $1200 dollars but I could have cut back some and got it down to $1000. You can go lower and still run stuff on the Highest settings. I play BF3 on ultra at 1080p now, maybe you'll be there soon. I hope we at Tom's can help if you decide to build a new rig. Cheers!

Well thank GOD you just typed EXACTLY word for word what will persuade my parents what the fawk I have been telling them is true. Could someone else back this up? If they see how true I have been to them and how you guys are saying the same thing, then I KNOW my parents will let me take back this newly bought (XMAS 2012) peice of crap crammed in a box and make a custom rig, for the same amount of $ they spent on it. ($900) I love it when things work out. Oh and you said I should play Xbox? I have one, graphics are dog-crap and TBH I don't like CoD, it's just commonly known so ya know... Thanks for saying EXACTLY what I wanted to see and what they didn't want to see. Hi mom!! When do you wan't to take the dog crap back?

Lastly, thanks so much for helping me out and if you'd be so awesome to assist me on my new topic you'd make my day. See ya! :)


Glad I could help out. Just to clarify, I don't recommend playing on consoles, but I was talking about CoD because you mentioned it. Mainly complaining about how it has been... dog crap since CoD 4. And it's gone downhill even more on PC. Plus it really doesn't push graphical boundaries at all. Battlefield has that down. I would never, ever tell anyone to go the console route if they have the choice.

I agree, like 4 days ago some1 stole my Xbox, and ya know what? Who cares it sucks anyways...