Will this PSU be enough for my new rig?


May 11, 2012
I ordered this PSU:Antec HCG M Series HCG-620M 620W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply

For this Rig I am building this week:
Mobo:Z77 Asus
GPU:EVGA GTX 670 Superclocked 2gb
HDD:1TB Samsung F3 7200rpm
SSD:128gig OCZ Vertex 3
Cooler:Hyper 212 Evo
Case:NZXT Phantom White Full Tower

I've heard good things about antec, my intial choice was a 600w PC Power and Cooling Silencer MKIII but I honestly dont know much about that manufacturer and after doing some research I read their cables are short making it difficult to assess cable management. Cable management is very important for me as I'm tired of making builds previously with little to none due to the cables always being either non-modular or short in length to reach certain parts of the MOBO. Any thoughts or opinions would be good. Thanks alot guys.

Both the Antec and the PCP&C are Seasonic inside
Hard to go wrong with either "brand"


The PC P&C MKIII 600W is an excellent PSU that is actually made by Seasonic. Reviews:
1. http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&op=Story&reid=263
2. http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/PC-Power-and-Cooling-Silencer-Mk-III-600-W-Power-Supply-Review/1432

The Antec HCG is also a great PSU and made by...Seasonic. It's probably nearly identical to the MKIII. Review: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/Antec-High-Current-Gamer-M-620-W-Power-Supply-Review/1495

The MKIII has two more years of warranty. The reviews I posted have cable lengths for you to compare/contrast.
Thanks, funny the MKIII has slightly longer length for the motherboard cable. Oh well, I should stop reading reviews on newegg from people using stuff. So i shouldn't have any problems doing some decent cable management with the length of these cables on a NZXT Phantom white case / z77 board? I guess the antec is still slightly better.

I don't know for sure if the cables will be long enough in a full tower case. From a strictly quality standpoint, you can't go wrong with either of these PSUs.

If the cables aren't long enough, then you can always get cable extensions...