PCPartPicker Part List:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor (£114.78 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI B450M-A PRO MAX Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (£54.98 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Team T-Force Vulcan 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (£44.64 @ Overclockers.co.uk)
Power Supply: Corsair TXM Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply (£64.99 @ Box Limited)
Total: £279.39
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-04-12 03:00 BST+0100
I would spend the little difference and get a Ryzen 2600 over the 1st gen 1600, or if you can find the Ryzen 1600 AF model (YD1600BBAFBOX) which is essentially a slightly slower Ryzen 2600.
I would get a B450 or B350 (if you do decide to get a 1st Generation Ryzen) Motherboard over the A320 one as well
The Corsair VS is junk, get a Corsair CX or CXm if you want a budget PSU and I would also suggest a 650watt. If you decide to get a better quality one like the TXm yoiu can get away with 550 watts.
For RAM dont buy it seperately, always buy RAM sold in sets, also 3200mhz or faster is ideal.
I would also just buy a normal HDD over the SSD you have selected. I cant find much information on it but it looks like a DRAM less SSD which means it will be as slow if not slower then a traditional HDD.