Question Win 10 missing drivers.

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Dec 17, 2019
Piracy is not tolerated here. Obtain a legal copy of Windows, then we'll talk.
Hello friends. I am in a bit of a struggle here and I hope someone could shed some light to my situation I am not a computer expert but I do know my way around some software and PC builds . Anyways, I recently bought a gaming laptop and idk why but I decided to clean install Windows 10 because the machine came with alot of bloatware and I found it to be a bit slow . I had a win 10 copy which i had downloaded from etorrent long ago and it worked fine on other computers. Anyhow,long story short after installation everything was much much smoother BUT then I noticed my track pad wasn't working and my mouse cursor was not appearing no matter what I did , I tried updating the drivers but nothing worked and then I noticed that all of my pre existing driver's were missing including my Nvidia drivers . I logged into Lenovo website and they scanned my machine and after a full scan apparently it was in critical condition because it lacked many drivers , so I downloaded and updated the bios as suggested but the same problem persists. I'm sorry for the long and boring story ,any suggestions would be greatly appreciated .
Install drivers from Lenovo support site (all of them ~15 downloads).
Start with Intel chipset driver. You can skip BIOS update.
Thank you very much, i do not know why it didn't show me these options for download beforehand after the website had scanned my machine. The only option they gave me was the bios update. I ended up downloading a driver program and it actually downloaded all of the missing drivers including the track pad . The only thing missing is the graphics card drivers which Nvidia nor Microsoft could detect in my system, I am very thankful for your response, now I will be downloading the graphics card drivers to see if the system recognizes it after installation. Should I go ahead and just download everything from that page? I don't see any missing devices in the devices box ,only the display adapter which i am downloading now from the link you sent me.
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