Win XP Service Pack 2 - Intermittently "freezez" computer



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

greetings all and hello,

after installing XP Pro Service pack 2 on my computer, it seems as though certain
keystrokes cause the computer to momentarily "freeze" or run slow. It only happens
when holding a key.

The main example of this it when trying to multi-select different items by holding
the CTRL key. When this is done, the cursor takes on a jerky movement. And also the
computer seems to lag (you can't select the second or third item immediately, there
seems to be a lag time before the next item can be selected). I hope someone knows
what I'm talking about.

I installed XP Pro SP 2 on my Sony Vaio, P4 3.06GHz. I've never had any problems of
this kind whatsoever under SP1. I've tried doing searches for this problem and a fix
but can't seem to find anything. Does anyone know what might be going on? Thank you.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Michael J wrote:

> greetings all and hello,
> after installing XP Pro Service pack 2 on my computer, it seems as
> though certain keystrokes cause the computer to momentarily "freeze"
> or run slow. It only happens when holding a key.
> The main example of this it when trying to multi-select different
> items by holding the CTRL key. When this is done, the cursor takes on
> a jerky movement. And also the computer seems to lag (you can't select
> the second or third item immediately, there seems to be a lag time
> before the next item can be selected). I hope someone knows what I'm
> talking about.
> I installed XP Pro SP 2 on my Sony Vaio, P4 3.06GHz. I've never had
> any problems of this kind whatsoever under SP1. I've tried doing
> searches for this problem and a fix but can't seem to find anything.
> Does anyone know what might be going on? Thank you.
Go to Sony's support website for your specific machine. Install any
patches related to XPSP2, and also any keyboard software. Make sure you
have the latest drivers for all the Sony hardware.

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