win98 question


I have a network in my house. I connected one switch from downstairs to my switch up in my room. Now i have my desktop and my laptop networked together. My problem is that win98 keeps asking for a password everytime i try to get access to the shared c drive on my laptop. My laptop has windows 2000, fat32. Please do not tell me ntfs is better, i could care less.

so basicly i'm trying to access my laptop (windows 2000 installed, i also have some dynamic hard drive. i dunno, i changed it from a basic drive to see what it does) from my desktop (windows 98FE), but it keeps asking for a password in windoes 98 where i'm trying to access my laptop. I can do vice versa however!

Not knowing much about 2000 I would suggest going to the 2000 help files on file sharing across a lan and seeing if the information is there.

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Epox MVP3-C2
A Duron 800 is comin'