[SOLVED] Windows 10 (OEM) after motherboard + cpu + ssd uprgrade


May 27, 2020
I'm planning on upgrading my prebuilt (hence the OEM version of windows) system soon. Adding a new Mobo, Cpu and SSD.
I'm not sure if I should do a fresh installation of Windows, buy a new copy, or which order to do it in. Shall I install the new Mobo and Cpu first, then copy the install onto the SSD (not sure if Windows will work)? Or maybe wipe my SSHD and make a completely fresh install of Windows into the SSD w/ the Mobo and cpu? I don't care about my data being lost, I just don't want to buy new copy of windows again.

I also still have the product key for my OEM Windows if that helps.

( not sure if relevant)
I5 7400
GTX 1060
500W PSU
2x8GB 3200MH
Windows 10 64x Home OEM

R7 2700x
B450M DS3H
"Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your microsoft account". That's what it displays in my activation tab.
Thanks for helping me. I've never done this before.
Then you can probably transfer the license.
Not the actual install, but the license.

So, prepare for a full wipe and reinstall.
Save all your poersonal docs, username/passwords, browser links, etc etc.

Build the new system
Clean install.

Then, the activation troubleshooter, linked above.

If it activates with the new hardware, you're good.
If it does NOT, then that is the time to buy a new OS license.
Old Intel to New Ryzen?
Full wipe and reinstall.

For the OS license? Where did it come from?
Thanks for the quick reply, bought the PC from a company, prebuilt. There is a license key on a sticker, on the side of the case. I'm assuming its for my installation.
Thanks for the quick reply, bought the PC from a company, prebuilt. There is a license key on a sticker, on the side of the case. I'm assuming its for my installation.
That license may or may not be viable to move to different hardware.

If you can link that existing license to a MS account with a Digital Entitlement, you can probably move it to different hardware.
For the OS activation, read and do this before you change any parts:

Otherwise, you need a whole new license for the new system.
How to fund that? Sell the old system with its license intact.
"Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your microsoft account". That's what it displays in my activation tab.
Thanks for helping me. I've never done this before.
"Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your microsoft account". That's what it displays in my activation tab.
Thanks for helping me. I've never done this before.
Then you can probably transfer the license.
Not the actual install, but the license.

So, prepare for a full wipe and reinstall.
Save all your poersonal docs, username/passwords, browser links, etc etc.

Build the new system
Clean install.

Then, the activation troubleshooter, linked above.

If it activates with the new hardware, you're good.
If it does NOT, then that is the time to buy a new OS license.