Question Windows 10 randomly restarting, clues are in Event Viewer Log

Recently I've been experiencing random restarts by my computer. I will carry out an anti-virus scan but in the past months I did not change any hardware components, nor did I notice any failures but I do see clues in Windows Event Viewer. I also did not change any windows settings at all for the past few months. This is the second random restart to date (1st random restart was yesterday but I thought it would come to pass). I was asleep when it happened but I did notice I went another random restart after logging into my computer. I also have Windows updates disabled as well. I am not really well verse with event viewer but I feel its my best lead as to why my PC is randomly restarting. My hunch right now is that it is a "Windows thing".

System Log in Event Viewer. Restart happened around 3:19AM when I was asleep

I also see that event id 5156 is being logged in the Security Log, literally every second. Not sure why


Application log. The restart happened around 3:18-3:19AM