Windows 10 Technical Preview 10074: Windows 10 Nearing Completion

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you are wrong !!!! its windows 7 and vista meets windows 8.1 in better looking easier to use package with more control and usability!!! I love it!! So easy to find stuff so quick and fresh!!!
Loving windows 10 its like going back to the earlier versions of windows with a great new make over and maybe some more new interesting features and improved security!

Well this is just ridiculous. You can set whether you want updates to happen automatically. Auto download and update, just auto download, only update on command as I have it set, not check at all.
Next thing you will install a front fence around your home but refuse to operate the gate and complain about how you keep walking into it.

This is nonsensical. Win8.1 is just Win8 with service pack 1. You don't hear people going Oh I'm using Win7.1 and its completely different to Win7.
Win8.1 made some changes to 8 as all major Windows updates have done in the past. You don't differentiate between 8 or 8.1. Who the hell is sitting on Win8 and saying "oh I was thinking about upgrading but I'm not sure about that new OS yet".
No it's a major update and that’s it. It's all Win8.
Although I took an additional 30 seconds to install the original Start Menu via 3rd party (IMO win10 start menu is still convoluted with a lot of clutter with less emphasis on the power user utilities from clicks reach, commands still function properly however things have been moved around a bit). I did not have an issue with windows 10. Very fast and intuitive, not to mention the feature list, all as a free update, is well worth it. Throw in DX12 to the mix and I'm definitely upgrading when the time comes. It sounds like Microsoft got their heads out of their butts and were able to accomplish what Balmer originally wanted Sinofsky to do originally before he dumbed down windows 8 horribly. I'm particularly interested to see if Edge (Project Spartan) will perform as advertised as I haven't been able to mess with it.
I will never understand the need to fix what isn't broken.

Hey Microsoft stop try to convince use the start menu was broken and just give us the option to revert to a windows 7 style start menu.

Oh well, guess I will be installing classic shell again.
I like how every comment disagreeing with W10 haters gets downvoted to hell (as will mine most likely).

The system is still buggy, so it's no wonder it doesn't fill your needs. They WILL fix it eventually, at least to the point of comfortable usage.

As for W7 I personally think it's worse than 8, having extensively used both for a long time. It's just slower and more clunky, though admittedly more stable than 8.
Who are these people who hated XP or W7? Wait i knew of a few people who didn't like W7 but for the most part W7 got positive feedback. Windows 8 on the other hand, the people who i told never to get have constant problems with it and that's just a constant mess. If W10 fixes most of the problems W8 had that's a win IMO.

But why are people including MS so fixated on making the desktop a tablet UI? Wasn't this the main reason people hated W8? Anyway the last time i used W10 you can get rid of all that modern crap and still install classic shell. At least there's an easy way to shut off your PC and update your OS without having to deal with the metro baloney.

No i certainly won't give up W7 for this, if the rumors are true i'll simply get W8 and then install W10 on top of it. Unless Vista is another OS you can upgrade from, i have no use for that OS. Hopefully there'll be the W7 theme (or better) for W10 because that default screen looks terrible. But so long as the OS is usable and stable that's all that really matters. If people are flipping out over the look of W10 can tweak it so it looks more like W7 or XP. The main concern is, is the OS usable. If it is then tweak W10 however you want.

I actually have a Windows ME disc... ugh.... it lasted on my computer for about a week. Then back to Win98se until 2003 - then XP then Win7. With Win10 getting AERO back... I've more interested. :)

Thing is, I used a Win8 Preview edition that had a modified AERO that was slicker than Win7's version... I wonder if its that?

About the Subscription... REMEMBER how Win8.1 came out and MS totally STOPPED ALL support for Win8.0? If you wanted security updates, YOU HAD to have 8.1. if you wanted some services and features, YOU HAD to upgrade to 8.1!

So imagine... MS tricks us into Windows 10... with the FREE upgrade... for a year or so. Then when Win11 comes out... its SUBSCRIPTION only... and all support for Win10 is shut off (just like 8.0). What keeps them from doing that?

Did any of you actually pay attention to what Microsoft presented at Build or the statements they've released?

- It will be free to upgrade to Windows 10 even with pirated versions, but with a pirated upgrade you don't get the genuine windows mark. (IMO there will be probably be some sort of catch to it, like limited OS support.)

- Most development will be directed at the PC end of the spectrum. (This means handsets and other Microsoft driven devices will be their focus probably sometime within the beginning of Mid June until September. So prepare for HoloLens and Surface Pro 3 advertisement commercials to be pushed up and geared for the the Holidays.)

- The goal is to unify and expand on unix/windows system itself this time around. A new hybrid called "Continuum".

-^- Disclosure: The following is only IMO, so take it with a grain of salt. This is a prime example of a power move to gain its foothold for the next generation. By unifying and expanding upon unix for cross platform virtual emulation as the Core OS. Furthermore this buy them ample time to work on the biggest issue that has been plaguing almost almost all tech for a very long time now, and in this I refer to as -- scaling and compatibility. Which is rather ingenious since it's what pushed Javascript and Dom to the forefront of the modern day internet.

It seems most people have gone oblivious, chosen to ignore, delay entirely, or simply give minimal attention to it. It's always been Microsoft goal on the OS end to create a more unifying system, to support all platforms, and to integrate itself as a central hub of the Tech world. Hence the move to support and develop with the Objective C programming language, or the Android App support.

While Google has it's eye on new Technologies, Linux with security and databases, Apple with Design and Ease of Accessibility. Combine all of those and eventually they'll seek a hybrid common ground, and that will be the future of Microsoft. It's simple really, everyone has something their good at, and it's time to co-ordinate that. Hence the assistant software and productivity suites released by Microsoft. Hence the move by Bill Gates and that scandal with Netscape or monopolizing the Market. Microsoft doesn't have to be on the front-lines of the tech war at every single moment. It just has to show up and support those that choose to do so. They've has always been an end game corporation. The only real difference is no one has an idea of what end game really is as they develop, most claim they do and that's where people feel cheated. I blame this on most marketing teams focus on quarters and assets, liabilities and think only in hindsight, something Steve Jobs knew about all to well.

So to all the little fanboys & girls out there, and their Masterace comments, you guys look ridiculous not as simple trolls but just straight up ignorant. These Tech Giants aren't going anywhere anytime soon with your one little irate comment about UI changes, they're listening to you yes but they don't have to really change much when they know where their going with their company. Sure you are the consumer and you do have your part to play, but this isn't just Windows 10, this is the unix system, it's more about "Continiuum".

It will definitely be interesting to see how Apple, Google, Intel, IBM, Nvidia, AMD, Samsung, Sony, and the rest respond at the 3rd quarter this year, not only as they work together competitively, but to see how they inspire each other to go further. Great things are happening and I'm almost sorry some aren't as Tech savvy as they think they are, all because they got this notion that by claiming to be a developer they are entitled to be anything more then a troll. (Can't even fix a few bugs on a preview while expecting a polished OS.)

P.S. The aim of Microsoft and HoloLens is to ensure it's place in the future market by implementing its OS within more than the just the gaming and overclocking community.

Actually there's a whole multitude downvoting anything good about Windows 10. I'm picturing a group of about 15 guys in a basement (like on That 70's Show) all with Tomshardware accounts, sitting in a circle and downvoting.

Just like they fixed Windows 8?

I should not need to install a 3rd party app to get an expected windows feature (a start menu)

The start menu is the least used part of Windows. I use it more with Windows 10 Tech preview. A 3rd part start menu would be that last thing I installed unless i had access to all program desktop and modern.

Windows SaaS will update the machine for the life of the machine once yo go to 10. They may offer subscription as an option but it won't be exclusive. MS's goal is to get Windows out to all for free or little cost then offer them services (some free and some with a cost).
Reading through all of these comments, and I see that every time someone posts a positive comment about Win10, it gets so many negative votes. On the other hand, ones that bash it and Win8 get lots of upvotes.

Now whether this is actually due to people's opinions or simply jumping on a bandwagon, that is not my place to say, but I will say this:

There is a real lack of respect for other people here. Most notably a lack of respect for diversity of opinions of everyone here at Tom's Hardware.

-Everyone has different opinions and likes
-Just because someone's likes and opinions aren't the same as yours doesn't make them "wrong" or you "right"
-If you don't like something, then simply don't use it. No one is forcing you to use Win10 when it comes out, no one forced you to use Win8. There are still people out ther that use XP, fine, but if you don't like it, then don't use it. Stop b**ching about it online and preventing people who may like something that you don't from enjoying it.

You can't have your cake and eat it too every time in life. If you really hate MS and Win8/10, go join the fruit, use Linux, or go learn how to write your own god**mned OS.

It's people's inability to realize that not everything and everyone else is how they want it to be and their inability to respect that that causes all this stupid pointless BS, from Mac VS PC, to Intel VS AMD to Win8/10 VS Win7, to all those issues that we see on TV.

As the saying goes: If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it. That doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion about why you may or may not like something, but at least do it respectfully-> Golden rule everyone.

And no, I don't care if this gets upvoted or downvoted, nor will I come back to post again and instigate any kind of argument.

For those of you who can respect differences of opinion an points of view, thank you and have a good day! :)

What's the point in having cake If you can't eat it? Unless it's a piece of old wedding cake and your supposed to save it for a year for good luck or something. Even then you eat it just a little bit later.

Eff that. I'm getting a cake, eating it, then making a pie and eating that as well. Just to add salt to the wound I'll eat some ice cream afterwards. Finish it off with a diet pepsi seeing that I have to keep my figure.

Win 8.1 Start menu? I have not seen that in weeks. Maybe twice this year.
Most used applications pinned to the taskbar. For everything else, WIN+S and start typing the application name.

No. Start menu must be made available. No Win+S and no bullshit. Win & start typing if you ever really need something not already pinned on the taskbar, but bringing back the start menu is a great idea.
It's just that they need to fix it first. Sometimes it doesn't show up, sometimes the button looks like it's pressed and therefore the menu is supposedly visible, but it's not there. Sometimes the entire start menu lags even after pressing the Win key, but that's another matter.
Windows 7 doesn't exhibit that issue and neither should Windows 10. Microsoft is about building a real OS, not bullshit.
All of the people complaining about windows 10 are just kids complaining about things that no normal adult would. You like aero so much that you would deny all of thousands of improvements win 10 has over win 7? that's just plain stupid, especially now when the UI is good and is actually usable for power users.
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