Beezy :
anything that windows 8 offered over 7 in terms of efficiency, productivity, and resources is quickly cancelled out by the clumsy UI. 2 monitors and windows 7 is perfect, nothing more needed. All the next windows (windows 10) can offer over 7 is already mentioned, more customization of the UI, get a little creative MS. The look for people is hit or miss, all the things that are "good" about it (windows 10) are the things that make it more like windows 7 again.
Windows needs a re writing from scratch. its been optimized as far as it can go. we have computers with 4-8 cores now, it would be nice to see an OS that is truly designed around this fact. the same Windows is still being re worked since XP.
Windows needs a re writing from scratch. its been optimized as far as it can go. we have computers with 4-8 cores now, it would be nice to see an OS that is truly designed around this fact. the same Windows is still being re worked since XP.
We had 64 bit hardware way before 64 bit APPLICATIONS. The hardware doesn't drive the technology for the OS the applications do. 64 bit Os's only see application performance increases with 64 bit software. 32 bit software will run in 64 bit but perform better in a 32 bit OS. Also 16 bit apps won't run in a 64 bit OS at all and that why XP mode was an option in Windows 7. It's application technologies that drive the OS technologies. That's even true for touch technology. It's sort of like the TV industry selling 3D TV's when no cable or satelite companies broadcasts 3D channels.