Windows 10 uptade waking my computer, no way to turn off?



so I see this, and it wakes up at 12. it says due to automatic update, but I have automatic maintenance wake up turned off any ideas?

Happened to me before, too. As I was peacefully sleeping, at 3 o' clock in the morning my computer turns itself on and performs Windows updates. LEDs were in my face and for a moment I thought I was passing into the afterlife before I became fully aware. It wasn't even in sleep mode, it was completely off, so it seems Windows does some sort of boot scheduling in conjunction with the BIOS.


Aye. Thanks for the input. Well it's exactly what I had thought, but it doesn't hurt to make sure. Yea my computer woke again last night and I jumped off my bed and hit my head on my chair. That's when I posted this.

When I get back today I'll see about some 3rd party apps. Do a little research myself too.

Meanwhile, the next one is scheduled at 12 am on the 24th. I'll be either online or switching it off by then.

Perfect opportunity to sue Microsoft :lol:


Anyways yea all those times it means that I had to sechedule an update. Ever time it starts up just says "schedule a time for Windows update"
Before it finally did it on its own. Well right now I just use hibernate mode and trun off the PSU, supine HDD doesn't use power when off unlike ram.