Windows 10 won't take OEM product Key?


May 2, 2013
Hey guys, I'm trying to do my windows 10 clean install.

I right-click on computer (win7) and click properties to get my product id.

My product key is this format. xxxxx-OEM-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx

When I type that into the installer the "next" button does not highlight.
Anyone have any ideas?

I downloaded the installer from Microsoft to do a clean install, it asked for the key in the install but gave me the option to skip it. I tried the Product id in the key space there, it didn't work, I guess its a different thing. It installed fine but it says I'm not activated and wont let me do some things.

But I did a clean install, I wrote down my product Id thinking that was the product Key

I figued i out :). I have to reinstall win7 now. Activate it. Then use the "upgrade" method to get to win10. That will burn in the product key to the hardware. And then I can do a clean install and everything should be ok.
Your windows 7 or 8 product key that was your OEM install on the sticker of your computer becomes your install key for the windows 10 you upgraded to. That key will work on a clean reinstall of windows 10