Question Windows 11 Taskbar looks like Windows 10 after update and start wont work


Aug 26, 2018
Hello. I just installed Windows 11 enterprise by installing it using setup.exe. I had done it before using insider builds and same method but this time i tried the october 5 version. The taskbarlooks exactly like windows 10 except there is a gear icon next to clock which opens windows 11 control center for wifi and stuff. The icons are not centered and start button doesnt work at all. The keyboard shortcut doesnt do anything either. Search is not working.
The file explorer looks like widnows 10 too. I have the rounded corners and new settings app of windows 11 tho.
I have tried resetting IRIS as suggested on the internet, rolling back to 10 and doing it again with setup file, nothing works. Any help?
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Thanks to all of you. I did find a half solution, being creating a new user account. I kinda have to set windows up but it still works. But I need to copy the user files from old user to new user and see if the changes apply to the new one, hopefully they do. I will update if I get my problem fixed.