Windows 7 Does not boot when i put in a GPU


Feb 13, 2015
EDIT: If you have a problem with your core2quad here has no actual solutions. Please do not waste your time scrolling through. I'm sorry if you came here looking for actual answers but here is more of a suggestion thread on where to go.

Right. I've been following Tom's Hardware for awhile now but this is my first time making a thread.
I'm not sure of how to start so I'll list my computer specs first

Mobo: Biostar G31 M70-te
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 @2.11 GHz (underclocked)
PSU: VIOS ATX-500wf12
Casing: some random ATX casing from iCute
RAM: 1+2 GB of RAM (kingston i think. They work though, been using them for awhile now.)
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 5450 1GB (this is the variable though)

And that's about it, on to the problem. Before the core 2 quad, i was using a core 2 duo clocked at 2.93 GHz base clock. I was pretty content with it for about 4 years-ish before deciding to upgrade where i got myself that Q8200. Initially when i booted windows, it crashed right when the orbs appeared. I went into BIOS and realised that it was clocked to 2.66 GHz, so i toned it down to 2.11 just to be sure. After that, it booted into windows fine. I shut it down and put in the Radeon HD 5450. After pressing the power button, there was no beep. The BIOS did not boot at all (nothing shown on display despite fans running)

Afterwards, I thought the GPU might be faulty so i removed it and ran off integrated graphics, where it crashed at the orb loading screen again!?! I'm not sure of what the problem is as everything runs fine when i put back my core 2 duo @ 2.93 GHz.

Also, before anyone asks me to scrap the system and buy a newer one, this rig is meant as a bare minimum HTPC with a bit more rendering muscle so the speed isn't as necessary. (Partly due to budgeting issues but i'll leave that for now)

I'm sure you can find used ones on ebay or craigslist. If you can, first try that CPU you got in another system see if it works there.

Was the CPU a new one or a used one? I would rule out the CPU being faulty before trying to swap out other parts. Or simply buy a system with a quad core CPU in it, should not bemore than $150 for a standard system with a good Q model. I sold my HP workstation with a top Q9650 CPU in it with 4 gig of RAM for $180 on ebay, I'm sure you can find something similar for less.
The fact you need to UC to CPU is a major red flag. There's something else going on with that rig.

First thing: I have no idea what the brand of PSU is, and that's usually a MAJOR warning sign. I'm wondering if it's able to properly drive everything in the system.

Well... It could... On the previous processor...
Anyway, leave no stone unturned. I connected it to my FSP HX-500 that i happened to have lying around to no change in results. Also, i was thinking of returning it to stock clocks when i realised that even my keyboards stopped working. Everytime i press a button there's this weird popping sound coming from the buzzer (or whatever you call the thing that beeps everytime the BIOS boots) Other than that, with the GPU, the BIOS still did not boot, without it, i could get to the windows loading screen (again)
Do a BIOS update on the motherboard, using the FSP power supply, which should be better, try again with the newer CPU. I'd check the motherboad and see if that CPU is listed as compatible in the specs. Also maybe try a different heatsink, and make sure the heatsink and CPU are clean and installed properly with heat grease.

If the system boots withou the video card fine, then not a good chance of that. Unless your title is not correct where you said it does not boot when you put in the video card. You said something about it crashing without it also.

It this a used CPU you got from someone? There are times where video cards that are bad run on slower speeds without issues, you may have bad CPU that works when you clock it down so it's not generating nearly enough heat as on full speeds.

Did you try different RAM or at least running on one stick at a time?

Could be the power supply, could really be anything in the system. Need to swap out what parts you can and test them.
Without GPU:
Different RAM sticks on different slots: Checked
30 minute OS test on USB with Ubuntu: Checked(without crashing)
Being able to run Windows for awhile without instant crashes: Checked
Using other types of PSUs: Checked

With GPU:
Nuff said, really. Nothing works with the quad core while everything works with the dual core(I wouldn't even need this thread if i could stick to a dual core but it was starting to feel *really slow*)

Another question but what are safe operating temperatures for a quad core? I have yet to find the time to get a new CPU cooler since the closest place i know where they sell it is *quite* far away and I'm too busy caught up with school to travel there, but since it absolutely never crashes in the BIOS i can assume it's within safe operating temperatures right? *using stock cooler*

So the only time the new quad core does not work is when you add the video card in? It runs fine on stock speeds with onboard video? What power supplies have you tried? It's a bit tricky thing here since it may be the motherboard and some quirk with the quad core, could be a bad CPU or could be a power issue since the add on video card would draw more power and that is when the issues start.
Both PSUs are from lesser known vendors, and a lot of cheap PSUs can deliver their rated wattages...for very short periods.

Remember, the C2Q didn't work at stock either, so even before we consider the GPU, something is wrong. And it's unlikely to be a physical HW problem with the CPU is underclocking makes it work. That's why I'm suspecting either the motherboard or PSU.

Just because it states it's a certain wattage does not mean it's working properly.

If you have a 400HP car, but you have 2 flat tires, you will lose a race to a 300HP car with good tires. Then you'd be asking "but my car has 400HP, how can I lose?". Lots of broken power is meaningless.

About the CPU affecting the video card, CPUs are VERY complex and just about everything the computer does goes though it. Since you already have an issue where it won't run unless you underclock it by a lot, the only people that can trully troubleshoot exactly what it may be doing badly are the people that made it.

I'm sure you can find used ones on ebay or craigslist. If you can, first try that CPU you got in another system see if it works there.

Was the CPU a new one or a used one? I would rule out the CPU being faulty before trying to swap out other parts. Or simply buy a system with a quad core CPU in it, should not bemore than $150 for a standard system with a good Q model. I sold my HP workstation with a top Q9650 CPU in it with 4 gig of RAM for $180 on ebay, I'm sure you can find something similar for less.