Windows 7 Has One Year to Live

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The same thing happened with XP and Windows 2K etc. This always happens.

Some companies will pay Microsoft to keep 7 alive just for them just as some have done for XP and I think still do. I am sure it costs quite a bit but probably not as much as having to replace all the hardware and software around a device running XP.

I am currently working towards killing 7 in our environment. It had its glory but now its time to move on.
Windows 7 was a good OS. I liked many of the features it ushered in to the platform. I particularly like that it can remain perfectly happy as an offline machine. The growing pains that were 8 and 8.1 yielded what I feel is a really good OS in 10, aside from that aforementioned issue. The fact that 10 wants to 'call home' all the time, even in environments where there is no internet is frustrating at best.
DiCaprio's character froze to death, he didn't drown. And he did a pretty good job of holding on, Kate Winslet ripped his frozen hands off of the door.
So, Windows 10 just last month past Windows 7 in total install base. Need I say anything more as to how bad Windows 10 has been received? I am a long time tech guy, and Microsoft peaked at Windows 7 and has steadily declined in OS quality since 7.
I believe Microsoft will extend Windows 7 security patches beyond published deadline or lose market share to LINUX and other platforms. As someone who supports Windows 7 and 10, I WILL NOT be adding any additional Windows 10 platforms unless there is NO OTHER option is OS selection.
I believe that I would be better off on unsupported Windows 7 than the disaster that is Microsoft "supported" Windows 10 and their monthly break the world approach to support
Let's check the news, how many times has Win 7 frozen or done bad things when it is updated vs Win 10? I am one of those hold outs, I like the fact that I can use my computer when the internet goes out, I like feeling safe to update because Microsoft is not being creative with it's Win 7 updates, frequently causing compatibility problems. I especially like getting fewer advertisements, many of which are spammers trying to fake me into clicking the a. Win 7 is legacy, it supports older PC's, but it is also stable, and Microsoft is not focused on changing it. Oh one more thing, I can turn off updates for a while so I can see if others get messed up!
Win 7 shuld be best remembered for ..........

use of F8 key during startup...try doing that when your computer/laptop goes for bootloop or BSOD at startup say due to unmountable boot volume....just press F8 > disable auto restart on system failure.....heck try to go in safe mode in win 10...."Just try it."
imagines people making vids of this feature....10 ten things you can do in win7 but not in win10...xD

You are comparing an OS that has been around longer and that had a sub-par follow up to a newer OS that hasn't had any follow ups OSes, and may not. This is what people did with XP was well.

I think viruses will do that for you once support starts ending and software companies start to move on. And hardware companies too.

There have been plenty of issues with 7. Rose tinted glasses make you think it was perfect. I remember when Windows 8 came out and it had a superior version of WDDM. Microsoft tried to upgrade the WDDM in 7. It was a train wreck as WDDM is just too tightly wound into the core of the OS to be a simple change.

People did the same with XP. Said it was the best ever and was so stable but forgot the pains from the early release and that until SP2 XP was not that great.
You are too pro Microsoft since Tom sold out. Those are not the only choices for 7 users. I for one, am going to migrate to Linux on most of my 10 home machines and MS can shove the subscription method 10 is heading for. Also, there is ChromeOS and for some, use 7 or even XP on unconnected machines and local nets.
"Some people don't like Windows 10 for one reason or another so they stick with older versions of Windows." Seriously?! Has this author been hiding under a rock? People hate Windows 10 because Microsoft is telling you that your computer is theirs to do with as they please. They force updates on you whether you want them or not. These updates crash machines, cause data loss, and install god knows what tracking and data gathering code. Even if you try turning certain functions off, after a forced update, Microsoft turns them back on. They push advertisements onto your machine and sell your data for huge amounts of money making them the richest company in the world again. There's a huge reason people are sticking to Windows 7 and it's not for some arbitrary "for one reason or another".
What Richvette said!

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Windows 10 is the first Microsoft OS that has had multiple "breaking" experiences and called-back upgrades.
You can most certainly NOT compare people who want to hang on to Windows 7 as those who wanted to hang onto their XP.
Windows 7 has never been as bad as Windows 10 when it comes to bug fixes and upgrades and just downright flubs.

Force me into Windows 10? Not until they stop "fixing" it. Damn!


Most of those breaking experiences was on old hardware or in the latest having a full hard drive. Sure MS is to blame but someone who buys/builds a new PC they really should be on Windows 10 it really is the better OS. I still use Windows 7 at work and honestly it's fine just Windows 10 does so many things better.

If someone has older hardware I would stay on Windows 7 as there has been way to many issues on Windows 10 dealing with older PC's. If you are building/buying new then go for Windows 10.

But it was the same. Plenty of people stated 7 was horrible, they hated the new UI (aero, and yet NOW people want the Aero deisgn) and that XP never had as many problems as 7. Seriously its the same thing over and over and over again.

When XP came out people did the same with 2K, held on till the bitter end. People even did it with DOS. You are nothing new. Eventually people will move on and say the same thing about the next OS or whatever.

I am nothing new?

When a discussion degrades into personal attacks (I don't care if you are a moderator) it is unacceptable. No one has a right to treat other users in that way. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else's.

My experience goes back to August 1981 and CP/M on an IBM PC with floppy drives. I think my opinion has some validity.

I would never dismiss someone because they have a different opinion than me.
On my last week at work, before vacation, My windows 10 updated itself to the last version, and all PCs stopped login to the network domain.

I was the only dude with an admin domain account, and was able to boot in command line, and revert to the last working version.

The network administrator went on vacations, and the OS only has 10 days for rollback. After return, he will find that no PC in the entire company works.

I guess that his vacations had already been interrupted and are totally ruined.
Windows 10 is an awful OS. Automatic updating whether you want it or not is just a horrible way to respond to your users. I run a Windows 10 machine on my other machine, but I'll keep using Windows 7 security patches or not on my main machine. It is just a better OS.

Was not a "personal attack" but a fact. This and what you are stating is exactly what has and will continue to happen. People hate change. Your views are nothing new like you are claiming. You are stating that people willingly jumped to 7 which is not true in the slightest bit.

7 was a good OS yes. But there was the exact same thing that happened when XPs support finally died off.

You can have your opinions on OSes but the fact is that this is a cycle. It happens every 2 OS versions as the one in between is typically a not so accepted OS, such as ME, Vista or 8. Eventually once hardware and software support dies off for 7, and it will probably happen pretty fast, and drivers stop being made for it people will slowly move on as they will have no choice and 7 will become just like XP, an OS for VM or for companies that pay Microsoft to support it for their specific use, typically very low network use.

It's possible he was near death and was unable to move his arms.

When Rose pushed him off the raft in the water he could have drowned then.

The only way to say for sure would be to perform an autopsy and see if there was water in his lungs.

...I watch too much Dateline.


You can disable Automatic Updates easily.

Local Group Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Components > Windows Updates > Configure Automatic Updates

Set this to disabled to stop Automatic Updates
Windows 10 on it's best day is only half as good as Windows 7 on it's worst.

I have more compatibility issues, more breakages, more games that won't run and more complaints from customers for Windows 10 than I've had for all other OSs combined over the 35 years of my IT career...

The latest mess up... Microphones used by Desktop programs (not UWP or whatever they are calling them now), will not work unless you enable the privacy settings. These privacy settings are only supposed to apply to the store/bloatware apps that M$ pushes. I suspect the same is true for cameras but I will not allow cameras in my environment.

And before you tell it it's supposed to be this way, read this:

Quote: Desktop apps won’t appear in your Choose which apps can access your camera or Choose which apps can access your microphone lists and are not affected by the Allow apps to access your camera or Allow apps to access your microphone setting. To allow or block desktop apps, use the settings in those applications.

It's just one screw up after another. There are dozens of unfixed bugs in Windows 10 that have been around since 1511, such as BSODs or crashing after waking from sleep. Windows 7 has NONE of these issues, and hasn't since SP1