[citation][nom]ag2twins[/nom]WOW!!! I'm so glad you wrote this article it is overflowing with inovation and definitely shows how Microsoft has not lost it's edge. I mean the way you captured how their horrible OS has lost users to their less horrible OS, that is the epitome of inovation.[/citation]
Horrible to less horrible. Hmm.
Can you even bring yourself to say that they are improving or getting better?
Probably not, even to admit it was less horrible must have been like pulling teeth.
If the user base is higher for Windows 7 in the more technically capable segment of hardcore Steam gamers what does that say about what Windows 7 actually delivers, because the same old tired arguement about idiot customers who dont know anything being duped into buying something they dont know just doesnt hold water. Your average Steam gamer is literate, informed and capable and they know a good thing when they see it, Windows 7 is exactly what the PC using world needed, a worthy successor to a solid OS that is sadly a bit long in the tooth.
It's a real shame about Apples shrinking market share, I honestly mean that, because it is like any other competative market. Without a technically proficient alternate to spur development along then stagnation occurs. Windows XP had a run for 8 years before Windows 7 came along and Apple did nothing to capitalise on it. How come Linux managed to do so with no resources and no advertising? Some would even say that Windows 7 was rolled out to fight off the competition from Linux, rather than Apple.
So well done Windows 7, but dont get cocky. Because one day Apple may release an OS that allows people to install it legitimately on their existing PC hardware, use all their existing software without performance hits and play all their games without compatability issues. Be ready.