It will be a while before anyone even cares about win8 (1.77 share) and they may never care. You won't be doing much damage trying to get 1.77% of the pc's out there. This is just the usual fear mongering by an AV company.
ALWAYS check a site at first if it's not a WELL known company or you have doubts...LOL. I had doubts about YOUR safety the second I saw the funky domain. A real company doesn't have dashes etc in their names that many times usually, more like not how he put it, his way REEKS of a company that can't afford the one you can easily get to, or is just a scam site - though not a guarantee here, it's just REAL common sense to suspect domains like his. 30day old domain? Nice try. I wouldn't have went there for a review anyway but wanted to check for other's safety.
[Alert Result] The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity
[Alert Result] This website is 30 Days old
[Alert Result] The website expected life (365 days) is relatively short.
[Alert Result] The website appears to be less than six months old
There are other sites you can check this stuff on but this one is great for anything. There's more detail on there about this JHANCOCK3's site link. I just didn't paste it here. RUN from his site...LOL. Best to go to a or type site (whatever your country's equivalent PC magazine is) and READ about AV apps and see where they say X app passed (they usually mention a lab testing site that got similar results to their own review. Then check to see if they score well at the people who ACTUALLY test these things in LABS for real (and that's pretty much all they do) as in how effective is X brand? (german I think if memory serves 13yr old) (vb100 awards, Brits 18yr old domain) as an example check out these two ages... ( points to them in recent reviews, Australian lab)
etc etc...Usually AV reviews on PROMINENT websites (like etc) tell who X product passes and you can go read the FULL report from that lab on who won what tests etc.

Not even me
😉 Go to well known sites and find out where they tell you to read results etc for this kind of crap (like the pcmag sites etc). Best to avoid sites with SHORT domain times. You can WHOIS a domain also before going there etc. Many ways to find out info about a site before you do the damage to yourself for being ignorant (note I didn't say stupid, ignorant and stupid are two different things). You're stupid if you ignore my warnings.

Ignorant if you just didn't know these sites above existed
If you want to read about hardware etc, you come to a or (check scamadvisor on them, years old etc). Not "" or some such crap. Wise up people.

Happy surfing. Oh and yes, win8 sucks
😉 Nobody cares...Move along...LOL
PS...Can we get this jhancock3 banned along with his IP? Just a thought (though so easy to hide with TOR etc).