Question Windows BSOD when cleaning or formating an external drive


Feb 7, 2022
Hi, I started having a problem recently. When I try to format or clean in diskpart a drive whether it be a hard drive or flash drive windows crashes. Pls help me out why this happens and how to resolve it. Ohh also I analyzed the minidump main probs were classpnp.sys and ntoskrnl.exe.
  1. Open Windows File Explore
  2. Navigate to C:\Windows\Minidump
  3. Copy the mini-dump files out onto your Desktop
  4. Do not use Winzip, use the built in facility in Windows
  5. Select those files on your Desktop, right click them and choose 'Send to' - Compressed (zipped) folder
  6. Upload the zip file to the Cloud (OneDrive, DropBox . . . etc.)
  7. Then post a link here to the zip file, so we can take a look for you . . .

might show more.

what are specs of the PC?

What BSOD code are you getting?
Hi, I started having a problem recently. When I try to format or clean in diskpart a drive whether it be a hard drive or flash drive windows crashes. Pls help me out why this happens and how to resolve it. Ohh also I analyzed the minidump main probs were classpnp.sys and ntoskrnl.exe.
change the memory dump to kernel then at the next crash load the crash dump
c:\windows\memory.dmp into the debugger
then type the command
it should give a good idea as to the problem.
or post the memory dump and someone with a debugger can take a look.

you can also try to update your chipset drivers from your motherboard vendor or cpu vendors website. (as a first fix attempt)