Windows 'Hello' And 'Passport' Features Promise Website And App Logins Without Passwords

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I remember the screen picture touch identification was cracked in about a day. All the Windows 8.1 MS documentation advised disabling it through Group Policy and forcing a password and PIN on mobile devices.

Let's see how long this one lasts.
I had facial activation in my MSI laptop.
It would be all nice and good if windows wasent the most popular and easiest to hack OS in the planet :D.
Also, in todays world, most internet active users will have to remember like 30-50 passwords.
If you cant even remember your Windows Password, you are screwed :D.


I must be getting old... why do I find the most annoying thing about this the use
of 'Yup' in the Windows popup? :D

Other than that, who knows; we've seen announcements like this before, eg.
fingerprint scanning on mobiles, but they've always been hacked.




Aug 11, 2009
The important piece on the facial recognition part is that is requires camera hardware specifically built for it which solves a lot of the current issues. The old "hold up a picture of the person" trick doesn't work since the camera measures in three dimensions and sees that the picture is flat. Could be cool.
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