News Windows Paint Gets Layers, Transparency, and Auto Background Removal

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Great. This is exactly what will make Windows 11 surpass any other OS out there, since it is otherwise perfect and in no way inferior to Windows 7 - after all how did we manage with windows that has square corners, actual title bars, borders which one could adjust the width of...
Great. This is exactly what will make Windows 11 surpass any other OS out there, since it is otherwise perfect and in no way inferior to Windows 7 - after all how did we manage with windows that has square corners, actual title bars, borders which one could adjust the width of...
MS trying to follow Apple's MacOS too much.

Ppl grew up with windows & changing stuff drastically is annoying. Just make Home & Pro the way its looked for ages & do the "clean" look for education, enterprise, & IoT enterprise version of windows.
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MS Paint was always too-little, too-late. Stumbling upon Jasc PSP for opening Mechwarrior-2 screenshot files was one of the good programs that have made computing enjoyable for me. Go to and use/reinstall Paint Shop Pro 6 or 7 trials as long as you like (newer & Corel versions are bloated/bad). It loads instantly even on old Pentium 3 and runs on Win10. I've been looking to buy an legit 6 or 7 CD but ebay scalpers & shipping is way too high.
Nobody cares about us boomers anymore...
not even boomers..

Most schools don't update to latest OS.
Win8 is even used by many still (the horror) and win10 will be what they go to as Win11 changed a lot that might confuse the returning students.

most people at PC using age are familiar with winxp-10 as (outside 8.0's metro tile) the OS has remained functionally same layout.

11 will likely be one of lowest adoption rates an OS gets as win12 will be out by time ppl are forced to migrate.
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