Windows restartin after adding new RAM stick


Sep 6, 2013
He guys i have purchased a new RAM stick today 8gb Single stick and already installed two 4+4 Sticks and dule boot windows 10 with linux.
on linux all ram sticks are working perfectly 4+4+8
on windows 10 safe mode system runs 30 min after that i shut it down.
on normal mode windows 10 hang and restart after within 5 min i think time difference is same.
Help me to figure out problem
Ram is sold in kits for a reason.
A motherboard must manage all the ram using the same specs of voltage, cas and speed.
Ram from the same vendor and part number can be made up of differing manufacturing components over time.
Some motherboards can be very sensitive to this.
That is why ram vendors will NOT support ram that is not bought in one kit.

Look in the bios and try upping the ram voltage a notch.
Test your ram with memtest86+
You should be able to do a full pas with NO errors.
Hi there is probably issue whit RAM sticks timings or clock speed or both. Could you please post all the sticks specs. Linux manage the RAM different then Windows. It is not a good practices to mix 3 sticks of RAM because I suppose the 4+4 are dual channel and whit 1 single 8 that good be a big issue for some MB. Also could you please tell us the MB model and in which RAM slot are each stick.
For start you could check in BIOS if all the stick are running on same clock speed and same timings if they are windows should run w/o issue. There is one more think whit Win10 during the installation it remembers you HW specs and if you try to change the HW that could cause issue (should only apply for MB, but this is Windows still there could be some bugs).

i did memtest there was no error