windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware(vista)


Mar 18, 2014
Hi,I have had the same message as a few other people(windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computers hardware) when trying to install vista home premium and i have tried windows vista home basic (got both new),as dual boot but get same message for both.i am trying to install vista on new clean 1TB internal drive. i have already got vista home basic on other drive, i don't want to change that. i thought there may be a similar solution for vista. when tried same solution as other people, command prompt opened but didn't recognise command.
my computer is dell dimension e520 with vista home basic on 150Gb hard drive and i am slowy running out of space. I have got 4Gb of ram. intel(r)celeron D cpu 3.06GHz and 32 bit operating system. nvidia geforce GT430 graphics card. i have tried many things to solve this to no avail. Is there similar solution to the problem that other people have found for vista.? regards Mark
Make sure the other HDD with your OS is removed before you try to install Vista.
Having two HDDS with an OS will cause problems. Also, Vista is is no good.
That is why everyone threw it away. It is nothing but a big problem. (As you are enjoying)
Install the new HDD and remove the old one. Make sure you do not have any other hard drive connect.
Make sure all devises are unplugged. Install the 1TB drive and do a clean install on it.
You will have to go into CMOS and set your boot priority to CD/DVD. That way it will boot off the CD/DVD.
Power up the system and insert the CD/DVD. (Vista install disk)
Shut down the computer by holding the power button. (The CD/DVD still in the drive)
Restart the system and boot off the CD/DVD.
Install Vista then remove the CD/DVD.
Set your boot setting to have the 1TB HDD as the fist boot devise.
Install all of your drivers and you will be good to go.
Happy Computing! :)
Not using old operating system is not an option. The purpose is to keep old system and have new system on other hard drive, as dual boot. I have had vista for seven years and happy with it. regards

If you install your OS on the correct HDD it will set your system up as a dual boot.
Dual boot gets setup but windows setup does not finish installation. just get message(windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computers hardware)i was hoping there is command prompt to finish install. regards
The dual boot is probably the issue. I had a system with a dual boot and it had a ton of problem like that.
I got rid of the dual boot and everything ran great!
Remove the hard drive the your OS and try to reinstall Windows on the other HDD.
I did some research and some Pentium D CPUs only support a 32-Bit OS.
Try installing a 32-Bit OS and see if it works. Some parts of your hardware are not compatible with a 64-Bit OS.
It could be your CPU, MOB, or even the GPU. Try another GPU and see if it works.
Update your BIOS. Take that step wit great care!
When I get your CPU model number I will tell you if it is compatible with a 64-bit OS.

get an original Microsoft windows 8.1 and ur problem solved.i had same problems and tried everything they post but no luck.Bought new MS windows 8.1 everything done nicely.