I have never seen anything like this before. First, yesterday I choose to update, expecting issues as always cause Windows updates always break something. When restarting, it got stuck on BIOS screen, so I forcefully turned off and back on, it did some things and booted up normally. Next day, starts up normally once again. After several hours I went to open Steam and it wouldn't open, looked it up, says to restart, went to turn off, PC won't turn off, so I forced with the physicial button, and now it's all completely broken. When booting up, it's stuck in the BIOS screen loading forever, if I restart multiple times it tries to start repair tool, and it just gets stuck in a black screen and the mouse cursor works, only thing that appears. Tried multiple times and never got a different results than these, so I went to try to fix/reinstall whatever with the installer tool, and that doesn't work either! It gets stuck in a blue screen, mouse appears and moves normally, nothing else appears, no matter how long I wait. This is insane, I have no idea what else to do