Question Windows XP is not finding network or internet ?


Jan 6, 2018
I have an old computer that used to have Windows XP, and over time I upgraded to Windows 7 and
Windows 10. This is an old computer and I need it to use Windows XP because of some old SCSI hardware. I have lots of image files, so I found a Windows XP image from 2010 and restored that to my C drive.

I haven't had a problem with it connecting to my home network and the internet before, but now it's not finding the internet or my local network. I have 3 computers wired together with LAN. The same LAN connection worked fine yesterday with Windows 10. Under Network Places Workgroup, I don't see the other computers.

When it try to connect to my ATT Internet modem, it keeps dialing instead of connecting to the broadband in the usual way. It keeps saying redialing. It's using WAN MINIPORT PPPOE, and after trying to connect it gives an ERROR 678. I'm sure I'm using the correct network user name and password. I just double checked it on my phone.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Remember that XP is no longer supported and that 14 year old image may not be viable or even properly configurable.

Which model ATT modem?

By "dialing" do you mean that it is trying to make a telephone or perhaps a fax connection?

Doublecheck the ports and cables being used.

On the XP computer run and post the full results of "ipconfig /all" (without quotes).

You should be able to copy and paste the full results without needing to retype it all.

More information needed.