Windows Xp shutdown/logout/repair problem


Nov 2, 2002
Yes, So i have this problem that i cant log out of Xp or shut it down. Every time i try to log out or shut down my comp nothing happends, and i cant start any application either cause it says that the workstation is beeing shut down, though it never does.

Second issue. When i run the windows repair function c:\Windows appears on the screen. Am i doing something wrong here or is it just fcked up?

Thanks for the help i really appreciate it.
What are the last things you did before this started happening? If you get back into Windows, perhaps you can check Event Viewer and see what went wrong.

If you need to do a repair, use the Windows XP CD.


<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>
Oddly enough, when I wanted to reinstall, the WinXP setup menu didn't have the Repair ability when you select to install WinXP!

Do you know why? The only way was to install it but it said it will delete all documents and such, pretty much losing all settings, than what a normal reinstall would do, save my stuff but simply reinstall OS system files.

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How about these?

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by btvillarin on 01/17/03 11:57 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Additionally the button to continue the setup was L, not R, IIRC. I did once have the repair option (reinstall) but last time it was different.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
Wow, that second link described something almost similar to what my case was!

The thing I want to know however is that the guy says it's because of BSODs he used this repair method. I was wondering if this applies to any problem where I could for example see the WinXP splash screen loading, but then after the loading I cannot get to the logon screen, or if I do, it crashes there, and there is no way to save my computer (i.e. Last Known Good Config helps not, Safe Mode neither, nothing, nada).
If this technique can apply to any case where you simply can no longer get into Windows itself and perhaps restore to a functional point, then I hope one day it would save me, because I had TWO times in the past weeks formatted because:
1rst time: DNSAPI.DLL was not a valid Windows Image, the error was popping each time I get into the Logon Screen, and I could not continue after that error, same thing in Safe Mode or Last Known Good Config. Had to format, simply put.
2nd time: Did a thorough surface CHKDSK scan, I'd see only 2 green bars in the splash loading, then it'd switch to the CHKDSK screen to tell me I am done with the scanning (when I CHKDSK outside Windows, usually when it reboots, before switching to the logon screen, it will show the CHKDSK screen for an instant, could be a bug or simply to tell me last boot had a CHKDSK done), however on that screen there was "........" showing, as if it was loading something, but after that nothing would load, drive stops working.

Both cases had me formatting, with utter despair seeing WinXP being so weak at recovering. Recovery Console was a damnation, no help whatsoever and I could not initiate a Repair Installation, except in the first case in which either way, the end result was actually not fixed, I could login but the GUI, the drivers, everything was very badly detected. Formatted.

I am hoping dearly this resolution applies to even such drastic cases where getting into Windows no longer works.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
Sheesh, what a dilema, any case, I hope you can get this problem licked.

<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>
But I did, I am now on my 3rd reinstallation of my new drive, and it has been over a week this time, system stable and running.
I just don't know why it was this bad before. First time I ran BootVis but it was not entirely composed (the file had a COM setting missing as it threw an error). Second time it was cuz of a surface scan which it did find tons of errors.

So far it is fine, but I find each time I say it is, it will screw up soon! :frown:

Anyways, I just wanted to know if that solution the website has, helps in other than just BSOD case, as in it being general, that it restores startup procedures to main ones.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
I'm not sure if it helps with the BSOD cases, but that's one thing I would try if I got those errors. Wanna check your memory with Memtest86 perhaps? At least you can make a bootable CD with what they have on their site.

Did you install SP1, btw?


<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>
What do you mean by Bootable CD?
The WinXP CD is already fine.

Oh and I doubt my memory is at stake. It is most likely the new WD JB drive.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
You can download memtest86 and burn it to CD, instead of a floppy. So when you boot with it, it'll start and run faster than it would running from a floppy disk.

I doubt your memory is the problem, too. :wink:

I've deduced that SP1 was causing <A HREF="" target="_new">problems for me</A>, so try just going without it (if you wouldn't mind yet another clean install). Still going strong as of now, FYI. :smile:


<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>
Yep well i got it to repair (i used the repair console earlier, stupid finnish windows said that it was repair, not the console)

anyways i now have a new problem, seems that when i now turn on my computer instead of going to the login screen it just bsod's me saying INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR at the top and ***STOP and some numbers here. Ive tried to go into the fix modes but nothing helps, just bsods me. I really need acces to atleast my files so that i can burn them, cause i have some important stuff that i need to save. Anyone know an easy way to do it?

Thanks for your help !
Oh it's also going fine for me! I am surprised, but damn, it ain't funny, living worrying about the next fatal crash.
Anyways, here's hoping it doesn't happen anymore.

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
What did you do so far?

<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>
Nothing, ironically.

As I said I am at my 3rd installation since getting the new drive, but so far there has been no problem, which is surprising to say the least.

As I said, the 2nd time the system crashes was when I did a thorough CHKDSK. Weird, I thought it would fix not make WinXP unbootable!
Then I formatted, so I assume there were no more bad clusters.

No errors so far as well, only DiskKeeper seems to have a bug where it asks to check disk when there is no error. I CHKDSK, then it runs, yet there was no error found.

Aside from that, I have a hardware question: Just how do you get an AGP card out of an Epox 8KHA+? Their manual shows nothing, and when I tried to remove it, the lever would not push, pull. I tried so many ways to try and unlock but I was worried I could crack it! If only they had visual instructions showing how to unlock...

This post is brought to you by Eden, on a Via Eden, in the garden of Eden. :smile:
Hopefully everything stays that way. :wink:

Not sure how to get the AGP card out...those new fangled locks, huh? :lol:


<font color=red>Taking stabs in the dark once again...</font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A>