WinXP Upgrade or Full Version


Jul 23, 2001
I was just wondering what the difference between the upgrade and full versions of WinXP are. I'd like to install WinXP Pro on a clean, formatted hard drive so will I need the upgrade or the full version for that. I'd prefer not to install WinXP on top of another OS. Does the upgrade version have an installation option where I can wipe my hard drive before the install? I currently have Win2K installed on my system. Thanks.
as far as i know, you can use the XP upgrade like any other version of wondows upgrade. you can start from scratch, but will have put your previous version of wondows in the cd-rom drive at some point t verify ownership.....the 'upgrade' part doesnt mean there's less info on the cd. it means they are cutting you a brake on the price for being a previous customer.

ignore everything i say