Hey, it could be worse. He might have to milk the <i>one-uddered</i> cow <i>while</i> shoving his hand up the cow's arse in the freezing rain. :OAnd I'd rather be comfortably sat at a desk typing code than spend my time shoving my hand up a cow's arse in the freezing rain, ta very much
**ROFL** My stuffus doesn't get pirated either (or at least if it does, I don't care). So long as I get my paycheck I don't care what people do with my code. Besides, it's only used in an analytical x-ray crystalography market, so it's not like the scope of MS Word or something.Stuff I write doesn't generally get pirated anyhoo, so it's no concern of mine. Very specialised market, and you'd need to be an ex-employee in order to get around the inevitable support issues, and even then there's not one person that knows 100% of any one system we sell (actually, that's a lie - we have one product which is known completely by someone, but that's me). Not that that's deliberate of course, just what happens when you're only a small company.
Still, I think wusy might have to be shot. Even if the rampant pirating wasn't enough to irk me, then he goes and calls us "fucckin geeky nerdy pissheads". And <i>then</i> we're "slaves for IT" and "have a strange atitude when communicating with other people" (whatever <i>that</i> means).
I think we're going to have to set up wusy with a steer, a cup, some KY, and a webcam. Then after the fact we can put the video to music and sell it on CD for $5. And all proceeds from the video will, of course, go to THG banner advertisements selling the video.

<pre> 😱 <font color=purple>I express to you a hex value 84 with my ten binary 'digits'. 😱 </font color=purple></pre><p>@ 185K -> 200,000 miles or bust!