Those coders are fucckin geeky nerdy pissheads anyway.
A pisshead perhaps... I don't exactly conform to the others. Incidentally, I suspect my (british) interpretation of 'pisshead' is different to yours....
And I'd rather be comfortably sat at a desk typing code than spend my time shoving my hand up a cow's arse in the freezing rain, ta very much :tongue:
Stuff I write doesn't generally get pirated anyhoo, so it's no concern of mine. Very specialised market, and you'd need to be an ex-employee in order to get around the inevitable support issues, and even then there's not one person that knows 100% of any one system we sell (actually, that's a lie - we have one product which is known completely by someone, but that's <i>me</i>

). Not that that's deliberate of course, just what happens when you're only a small company.
Winnie 3200+ @ ~2.5Ghz, ~1.41V
1Gb @ 209Mhz, 2T, 3-5-5-10
Asus 6800GT 128Mb