Winxp64 question


Apr 1, 2005
Has anyone heard if we have to buy winxp64 seperetely for the full price or if we get some kinda of discount if we already own winxp? Could it be a free upgrade? Any info please.

The know-most-of-it-all formally known as BOBSHACK
well i checked the first couple of pages and found nothing so seeing that u know the answer could ya tell me?

The know-most-of-it-all formally known as BOBSHACK<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by K8man on 04/01/05 07:46 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I think it is supposed, but I dont know for sure.. somebody was going to try it to see.. maybe he did not post yet about it

<font color=red>Sig space for rent. make your offer.</font color=red>
i want the real thing i just wanna know if i have to pay for it if i already have a real winxp.

The know-most-of-it-all formally known as BOBSHACK
Supposedly you should be able to take your WinXP Pro CD and key and exchange it, free of cost, for the 64 bit version. I think Home users are out of luck.

What I'm not sure of is what channels you have to go through. I can't really imagine every retail store doing these exchanges for free.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
I don't have it yet. My problem is that I have a copy of WinXP Pro that I got for free from Microsoft about a week before the actual retail release. I hope they honor it for the exchange.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
Do you never buy anything? If you're a student you can probably get the OS for $20-$60.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
You're way too extreme.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
That doesn't negate the fact that you're extreme.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
Hey Wusy, a lot of coders hang here. It sounds like you are saying that all of thier hard work is BS. Tell them that you value thier efforts, but cant stand to support Bill and his buddies.
Wusy why don't you get a job?

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
We all want steady big incomes but they don't just give that away. You're going to be unemployed for 5 years? Who in their right mind would hire you?

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
Take my advice. Get some work experience.

An internship is ideal. On campus work is ok as well. Just trust me on this one.

<pre><font color=red>A64 3200+ Winchester
DFI Lan Party NF4 Ultra-D
1GB Corsair 4400C25PT
WD740GD, WD2000JB, WD1200JB
Dell 2405FPW</pre><p>
Those coders are fucckin geeky nerdy pissheads anyway.
A pisshead perhaps... I don't exactly conform to the others. Incidentally, I suspect my (british) interpretation of 'pisshead' is different to yours....

And I'd rather be comfortably sat at a desk typing code than spend my time shoving my hand up a cow's arse in the freezing rain, ta very much :tongue:

Stuff I write doesn't generally get pirated anyhoo, so it's no concern of mine. Very specialised market, and you'd need to be an ex-employee in order to get around the inevitable support issues, and even then there's not one person that knows 100% of any one system we sell (actually, that's a lie - we have one product which is known completely by someone, but that's <i>me</i> :smile: ). Not that that's deliberate of course, just what happens when you're only a small company.

Winnie 3200+ @ ~2.5Ghz, ~1.41V
1Gb @ 209Mhz, 2T, 3-5-5-10
Asus 6800GT 128Mb