Wireless Comfort Keyboard in games


Dec 31, 2007
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games (More info?)

ok I went out and spent the $80.00 for a wireless keyboard and mouse...
My question and frustration is that in games the up arrow key is the
walk/run forward in all my game settings. It halts on me for some reason... I
will be walking (pressing the up arrow) and just suddenly STOP. What is that?
is there a fix? Please tell me I am not the only one having this problem.

Can someone please help?

AMD Athlon64 3800+
GV-3D1 motherboard and GPU (w/SLI)
2x 80gb SATA II HDD
2GB PC3200 DDR
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games (More info?)

"Nick" wrote:

> ok I went out and spent the $80.00 for a wireless keyboard and mouse...
> My question and frustration is that in games the up arrow key is the
> walk/run forward in all my game settings. It halts on me for some reason... I
> will be walking (pressing the up arrow) and just suddenly STOP. What is that?
> is there a fix? Please tell me I am not the only one having this problem.
> Can someone please help?
> --
> AMD Athlon64 3800+
> GV-3D1 motherboard and GPU (w/SLI)
> 2x 80gb SATA II HDD
> 2GB PC3200 DDR
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games (More info?)

"Nick" wrote:

> ok I went out and spent the $80.00 for a wireless keyboard and mouse...
> My question and frustration is that in games the up arrow key is the
> walk/run forward in all my game settings. It halts on me for some reason... I
> will be walking (pressing the up arrow) and just suddenly STOP. What is that?
> is there a fix? Please tell me I am not the only one having this problem.
> Can someone please help?
> --
> AMD Athlon64 3800+
> GV-3D1 motherboard and GPU (w/SLI)
> 2x 80gb SATA II HDD
> 2GB PC3200 DDR
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games (More info?)

"Nick" wrote:

> ok I went out and spent the $80.00 for a wireless keyboard and mouse...
> My question and frustration is that in games the up arrow key is the
> walk/run forward in all my game settings. It halts on me for some reason... I
> will be walking (pressing the up arrow) and just suddenly STOP. What is that?
> is there a fix? Please tell me I am not the only one having this problem.
> Can someone please help?
> --
> AMD Athlon64 3800+
> GV-3D1 motherboard and GPU (w/SLI)
> 2x 80gb SATA II HDD
> 2GB PC3200 DDR

I had the same problem and found that moving the transmitter closer to the
keybord and near the same level got rid of the problem. Also check your
batteries to make sure they are new.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games (More info?)

Well I thought of that and looked in the setup of the Intellitype pro 5.2 and
saw that I am getting the strongest possible signal and that the batteries
are only a day old with full health. I also tried to back the repeat down
some, thinking that maybe it was repeating too fast... no luck.

Thank you for the input

"docmark1" wrote:

> "Nick" wrote:
> > ok I went out and spent the $80.00 for a wireless keyboard and mouse...
> > My question and frustration is that in games the up arrow key is the
> > walk/run forward in all my game settings. It halts on me for some reason... I
> > will be walking (pressing the up arrow) and just suddenly STOP. What is that?
> > is there a fix? Please tell me I am not the only one having this problem.
> >
> > Can someone please help?
> >
> >
> > --
> > AMD Athlon64 3800+
> > GV-3D1 motherboard and GPU (w/SLI)
> > 2x 80gb SATA II HDD
> > 2GB PC3200 DDR
> Nick,
> I had the same problem and found that moving the transmitter closer to the
> keybord and near the same level got rid of the problem. Also check your
> batteries to make sure they are new.
> docmark1