Wireless usb card


Mar 12, 2012
Well im getting a new computer that doesnt have wireless connection so i want to get a card for it and i have a few questions

1) is there any difference (connectivity speed) between different cards or are they all the same?

2) what about the range of wireless i really wouldnt need long distance because my router is like 2 feet from my computer

So i want to get a card that has the best connection speed any suggestions?

Heres my computer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285

im pretty sure it doesnt have wireless :(
so please send links for cards that would be fast connectivity and stuff like that


Yes. A direct Ethernet cable would be the ideal setup. Wireless cards and adapters come very close. In either event, you will not notice speed differences except when you are downloaded extremely large files.

You have three viable choices; all good:

1) Direct Ethernet cable
2) PCI wireless card (WMP600N)
3) USB wireless adapter (AE 1000)
The first thought that comes to mind is if the computer is just 2 feet away from the router, why don't you use an Ethernet cable instead of wireless?

If you do need wireless, a great card is Linksys WMP600N - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124342 (excellent performance - I have 3 of these in 3 different desktops)

If you need a USB wireless Adapter, then linksys AE 1000 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124404 (excellent performance, excellent price - please read my review on Newegg)


Mar 12, 2012
ok now is there a difference between the two like speed and quality id perfer the usb one but if its slower then no als o i cant us ethernet because my router doesnt have any open slots

No speed difference that I can notice. Both are 'N' speed devices. I routinely run 2 desktops, one with the PCI wireless card (WMP600N) and the other with the USB Adapter Linksys AE 1000. Both run fine!

If you decide to buy the AE 1000 USB Adapter, please read and follow my suggestions on the product review at Newegg.

Yes. A direct Ethernet cable would be the ideal setup. Wireless cards and adapters come very close. In either event, you will not notice speed differences except when you are downloaded extremely large files.

You have three viable choices; all good:

1) Direct Ethernet cable
2) PCI wireless card (WMP600N)
3) USB wireless adapter (AE 1000)