If you are reading this, then greetings to you. While we usually focus primarily on PC hardware and tech here at Tom's, at least most of us veteran members do, there are a good number of tech enthusiasts who are also enthusiasts in other areas as well and woodworking is one of them.
So, we thought it might be a good idea to create a community thread for those of us, and any of you, who enjoy building things from wood using woodworking tools and techniques, whether as a one time gig, as a hobby or even if you build things for a living. Posts could include anything from woodworking projects, to woodworking tool finds or restorations, questions on tool usage and techniques, or anything that is reasonably related to the topic of woodworking, tools or shop practices. Yes, there are woodworker specific forums out there, but this is for folks who don't want to stray too far from their usual stomping grounds, and are not the "elite"
woodworking crowd, so anybody might feel free to participate here regardless of whether it's your first project or your ten thousandth one.
Posting images is certainly encouraged as are sharing details or asking questions of any kind.
If you need to know how to post images, you can learn how to do that here:
How to post images on the Tom's hardware forums