Workers in China Protest Nokia-Microsoft Deal

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this is just horrible to do to human beings. And yet people that work for Mc.Donalds here think they should get paid $15.00 (although the minimum wage should be raised, but not that high) and yet these pour souls basically have to live in tents in factory concentration like camps, to slave away like Foxconn workers.

It is pretty bad what the rest of the world allows which makes me laugh when people call the US uncivilized.

Even so, $15/hour is not as liveable as you think depending on where you live. Where I live it would be enough to get by as everything keeps going up while pay does not. And yet corporations like McDonalds keep posting record profits year after year.

I think in all honesty pay needs to equal what it takes to live alone and have the ability to save just a small amount at minimum.
We should remember that Nokia origionally manufactured their own hardware in Finland. Moving all your hardware to China has human costs aside from putting you contrymen out of work.
How the hell does that excuse it? It's not the point.

I am concerned - I bought a Lumia 520, mostly off the back of Nokia's score in the ethical Tantalum supply tables. This is making me think twice. Where the hell if Bill Gate's philanthropism when you need it?

Give a toss? Nope, which factory is it and who else has stuff made there, then realize Bill Gates has nothing to do with pay or conditions at a sub-contractor
How the hell does that excuse it? It's not the point.

I am concerned - I bought a Lumia 520, mostly off the back of Nokia's score in the ethical Tantalum supply tables. This is making me think twice. Where the hell if Bill Gate's philanthropism when you need it?
Just remember, no one is forced to sign these contracts, contrary to what is written. They do not have to take these jobs.

Basically what we are hearing here, is much like a Union trying to fight for better wages and what not.

And while they mention poor wages and conditions, I did not see anything written in the article, so I'd have to with hold judgement until I do.

I just wish I could trust the media, because it seems all they care about is getting people to read their stuff. Not the full honest truth.
This is more to the people commenting but if you think they should get high wage are you willing to pay more for that item? truth be told you will say yes cause you know they will be treated right but will you do it though actions no cause at the end of the day you want the item for cheapest you can get it. like would you pay 500 dollors for a video card or would you pay 200 for the same one but it was made by a cheaper labor force
This is more to the people commenting but if you think they should get high wage are you willing to pay more for that item? truth be told you will say yes cause you know they will be treated right but will you do it though actions no cause at the end of the day you want the item for cheapest you can get it. like would you pay 500 dollors for a video card or would you pay 200 for the same one but it was made by a cheaper labor force

A McDonald's wage is as liveable as it needs to be. A job like this is a summer job or a job for a young kid. McDonald's shouldn't have a liveable wage, it should force you to better yourself. Instead of complaining about it do something to improve yourself and get a better job. There are plenty of opportunities for people to help themselves, problem is that it requires effort.

McDonalds is a job NOT A LIFELONG CAREER!
The reason why China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and why the United States is collapsing under its own weight is that the Chinese government doesn't favor labor over companies and vise versa.

If someone is willing to do the same job for less, let him. One person is out of job either way. One way involves government intervention and the other way involves free markets. I wonder which way works better? Take a look at U.S. Steel if you don't know the answer to that.
Personally, I would take the factory workers seriously. They have produced the best phones on the market, so they deserve to keep their pay and working conditions at a minimum. You should reward good workers who are under bad managers.
The quality issue of many Microsoft devices is really shown through their treatment of workers. As a company you really have to respect the right workers in order to put out a good product.
Its the double edged sword of the electronics industry...

People don't want to pay $1000 for a cell phone, then they go complain that the phone is made by workers who are underpaid and working in sub-standard environments.

We all "care" up until we see the sticker price, then we jump to the next manufacturer who sells a similar product for slightly less... Not judging anyone here, I do it just as much as the next guy does.
Hey , everyone keeps bickering about the atrocious human conditions for working in China, but, the problem is not of the companies, the US opened it's doors to China, the Great Dragon has it's own way of working, the people working in the Chinese industries are actually far worse off than those forking for multinationals, but, the Dragon has strict rules when it comes to indigenous industries. A piece of advise, get your factories out of China, your goods have lost their quality as it is after production there... get them back to anywhere else in the world, as it is both Apple and Nokia have been pretty expensive and if they're still selling and people are still buying, give them a little more quality worth their hard earned money and shift to a place that won't screw you in the long run. The chinks were always known for backstabbing.... all in the name of the common good of the people of china.....
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