World of LordCraft Rips Off Blizzard's Franchise?

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> It name itself sound way too familiar to be legal
It should read: "Its name itself sounds way too similar to be legal"
/extends right arm forward :)
When you look at their website, you will find many similar elements of WoW.
A region in map called "The Barrens".
"Drums of war...." in the trailer.
And the races in Alliance/Hord are: human, elf, Dwarf, orc, troll,Tauren
Yes, because WoW and Warcraft were the first game to have any of those things and was the first strategy ever to be based on lore creatures...

If it's a free game let them name it World of iCraft for all it matters.
Since its free i truly doubt any legal action is going to be taken. 99% of Blizzards profits come from the online component of WoW so in no way is it taking profits from Blizzard.
Well, if it is anything like Evony, it may be "free" in the sense that you don't need to buy the game or subscribe to it. You would quickly learn that without the micro-transactions, it is brutally hard to compete with players who do spend real money in it. I toyed with Evony for about 2 months before I reached that glass ceiling and gladly walked away.
I have more time than money and choose to stick to subscription games where everyone gets a fair playing field. Popular micro-transaction games will show you just how disposable some people's incomes really are which is too much reality for me when I am trying to play a fantasy =D
They can do it.

See: Warcraft and Warhammer

Blizzard changed a few things around and were legally running free in the fields with Warcraft, and there's nothing the owner of the Warhammer IP could do.
skit75 is right. There is a revenue stream SOMEWHERE; that's how these things work.

Apropo of nothing else, this still represents "dilution of trademark." Remember how "Evony" used to be "Civony?" The "Civ" brought a legal threat from Take2, which was enough to make them change it. Blizzard must, and will, vigorously defend its trademark, certainly in context of the name, because the failure to do so will be seen as "inadequate defense of trademark" and work against it in court should a case come up where it really matters. And no, WoW/WarCraft are not the first computer games with fantasy creatures, but it is the first of a certain pattern of RTS factionalization that was different enough to inoculate them against Games Workshop.

So expect legal action to follow, and a name change if not graphics changes.
What's this?

A game that takes all UNORIGINAL GAMEPLAY IDEAS from an MMO that is based on a fantasy based lore from a countless other novels/movies/game references?

How dare they! Because in all seriousness, what HASN'T WoW referenced or parodied?
Im sure naming it this is for exactly whats happening now. Name it similar to WoW, story gets picked up and spread among all gamers, Blizzard threatens lawsuit, name changes, and they get all the free advertising they could hope for.
I looked at the website briefly and made this list of similarities between the two games: the name, humans migrated to Twilight Forest to survive a "plague", a demon legion is invading the land, Titans shaped the world, there are undead and nagas, there are regions called Moonglade, Coldridge Mtns., The Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, and Dragonblight, Alliance buildings look like Stormwind with blue roofing, Horde buildings look like Orgrimar.
Warcraft wasnt the first game to use "world of...." in its title. That and the fact that this game has NOTHING to do with warcraft, not the gameplay the style anything....they dont have anything to worry about.
I don't see how this already stolen franchise can bother to file a lawsuit against another company who does the same thing they did back in the days.

Warcraft warhmmer, it both has war in it. but I guess this poor company with his fone game that doesn't threaten warhammer at all, has to change his name for the big guys from blizzard.

Let's not forget before blizzard makes a game for the iphone it will be when we see the release of the iphone 10gs,or whatever the next few down the line will be called.
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