Here is a config I just put together for a friend. Not a combination anyone here is likely to see very often.
Lian Li V2000 plus II Computer Case QTY: 1 279.99
Lian Li EX-34 Expansion (front fan) QTY: 1 35.95
Corsair HX620 Power Supply QTY: 1 169.99
Nexus 80mm Real Silent Case Fans QTY: 2 23.90
S-Flex 120mm 800rpm case fans QTY: 4 73.40
Zalman 9700 CPU cooler QTY: 1 59.99
ASUS P5B-E MB QTY: 1 150.99
Intel E6600 Core 2 Duo CPU OEM QTY: 1 315.00
Corsair Valueselect 2GB DDR2 667 RAM QTY: 2 319.98
Seagate 7200.9 500GB HD QTY: 2 299.98
Gigabyte 7600GS 512MB Video QTY: 1 126.99
18" SATA II Cables QTY: 2 5.98
Lite-On 20X SATA DVD QTY: 2 93.98
12" SATA cables (DVDs) QTY: 2 3.90
Lian Li Addl Silver CD Bezel QTY: 1 7.49
Link Depot 10' dual link DVI-D cable QTY: 1 13.99
30" Dell 3007WFP LCD Monitor QTY: 1 1274.00
Windows Vista QTY: 1 117.99
MSFT Office 2007 Home & Student QTY: 1 129.00
TV Card - WinTV-150-MCE QTY: 1 64.99
Intel based Apollo Modem QTY: 1 12.99
The immediate thing I suspect people will notice is pairing a 30" monitor with a cheap 7600GS card. That card is just a "throw away" intended to last until summer and then buy a top end card once the dust settles and the drivers mature in the current DX10 wars.
The case is pretty expensive because appearance was important. The rest of the components are all "bang for the buck". Some might question that description of the 30" monitor, but it is discounted now to clear stock in anticipation of the new model that is coming out with 92% color gamut (which isn't especially important for this system) so we took advantage of the current discounts.
We'll OC the CPU to 3.0GHz with a 333 FSB for decent performance out of the 6600 and run the RAM at 1:1 667. The hard drives will run RAID 1. I suggested RAID 10 with 4 320's, but he is HD failure averse and didn't want the risk of the additional drives.
Anyway, that was this morning's project. Just thought I'd share since it is a rather unusual build.
Lian Li V2000 plus II Computer Case QTY: 1 279.99
Lian Li EX-34 Expansion (front fan) QTY: 1 35.95
Corsair HX620 Power Supply QTY: 1 169.99
Nexus 80mm Real Silent Case Fans QTY: 2 23.90
S-Flex 120mm 800rpm case fans QTY: 4 73.40
Zalman 9700 CPU cooler QTY: 1 59.99
ASUS P5B-E MB QTY: 1 150.99
Intel E6600 Core 2 Duo CPU OEM QTY: 1 315.00
Corsair Valueselect 2GB DDR2 667 RAM QTY: 2 319.98
Seagate 7200.9 500GB HD QTY: 2 299.98
Gigabyte 7600GS 512MB Video QTY: 1 126.99
18" SATA II Cables QTY: 2 5.98
Lite-On 20X SATA DVD QTY: 2 93.98
12" SATA cables (DVDs) QTY: 2 3.90
Lian Li Addl Silver CD Bezel QTY: 1 7.49
Link Depot 10' dual link DVI-D cable QTY: 1 13.99
30" Dell 3007WFP LCD Monitor QTY: 1 1274.00
Windows Vista QTY: 1 117.99
MSFT Office 2007 Home & Student QTY: 1 129.00
TV Card - WinTV-150-MCE QTY: 1 64.99
Intel based Apollo Modem QTY: 1 12.99
The immediate thing I suspect people will notice is pairing a 30" monitor with a cheap 7600GS card. That card is just a "throw away" intended to last until summer and then buy a top end card once the dust settles and the drivers mature in the current DX10 wars.
The case is pretty expensive because appearance was important. The rest of the components are all "bang for the buck". Some might question that description of the 30" monitor, but it is discounted now to clear stock in anticipation of the new model that is coming out with 92% color gamut (which isn't especially important for this system) so we took advantage of the current discounts.
We'll OC the CPU to 3.0GHz with a 333 FSB for decent performance out of the 6600 and run the RAM at 1:1 667. The hard drives will run RAID 1. I suggested RAID 10 with 4 320's, but he is HD failure averse and didn't want the risk of the additional drives.
Anyway, that was this morning's project. Just thought I'd share since it is a rather unusual build.