Oh christ, cant I share my silly pranks without getting preached to? You dont need to write 3+ paragraphs to illustrate to us how annoying you are.
But I will agree, we did get somewhat off of the original intent of the thread 😛.
Your particular prank - if that is the appropriate term - is one of the few described here that qualifies as genuinely funny. Not to mention displaying a good understanding of the technology and having no signifacaqnt negative impact.
My post was actually 6 paragraphs long. And who actually is the annoying one here?
And some of the pranks that were described leave the perprators open not only to civil law-suites, but to criminal charges. Since it appears that most of you live in the US, you would be wise indeed to keep much closer control over what you admit to.
You may wish to have a closer lok at the recently passed legislation that allows your president to declare anyone an enemy combatant, and assorted "aggressive interrogation techniques" are now "legal". The same sorts of techniques that were employed by, among others, the GESTAPO and KGB.
DaSickNinja's little prank could easily be interpreted by Homeland Security as an attempt to interfere with emergency services. And, in their world, who is it that wants to interfere with the effective opperatiuon of emergency response services? Hint: it starts with the letter "T".
Buddy who defecated in his host's system is actually in much more serious trouble. Feces contains all sorts of pathogens, including fun things like typhus, cholera, salmonella - look up the others. Buddy could, in fact, be (semi-legitimately) accused of attemptint to commit a biological warefare attack. You don't want to go there, no sirree. For sure he could be legitimately charged under various Public Health, mischief and assault rubrics. A really creative DA could try and reamp it up to ADW or worse.
US Homeland Security has demonstrated a dismaying lack of competence, feel free to lok it up. Are you sure you want them looking you up for really stupid things you may have done when you were yopunger and more foolish tham now?
As far as "preaching" goes, I wasn't. I was pointing out the potential consequences of their pranks to the perptrators. The value judgement I made about many of the "pranks" is accurate and correct. That is a cold hard fact in the same category as murder is wrong and evil.
Your comment about the length of my post suggests that your attention span is very short. You may want to consider working on that problem by increaseing your attention span. You would be amazed at how the world will expand if you do.