Worst PC Build Screw Ups

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Two stories somewhat linked....

A bunch of friends were having a gross "GIF" contest which got pretty bad (when Internet search engines first hit PCs). In fact one guy emailed us all a GIF that ended the contest in one fail swoop "man it was bad... 8O 8O 8O ". We all came into work that evening and immediately declared him the winner.

Months later while at work, I had a friend that was a prankster and he got my log-in ID and password. He put a "how you say" pinup as my wallpaper. I managed to turn the screen off just in time before the female colleague that was with me turned her head. /me "why don't we go to your PC to work on this"... He saw her there and just about lost it because he was freaking out about her seeing it..

It took a few weeks "he was guarding very well" but I finally got his login "using the same female colleague 😉". After I got the login I replaced his wallpaper with the above mentioned winner of the gross GIF contest. When he came back from lunch and logged in "I" was immediately declared the winner 😉. Needless to say "he" nor "I" did that again..
Did ya see this article about a 14 year old being interogated by the Secret Service because she was a potential "threat" to the president? Its not so far fetched that someone might just go after you far a harmless joke...

My prank was kind of lame compared to some of you "pro's". I worked in a call center during my time in tech-support hell and once when I was transferred from on section of the floor to another, I changed the color scheme on the PC (this was win98 vintage) to all white...every singe object on the screen...menus, dialog boxes, icons, with the final change being the text. Then I performed a normal shut down with the keyboard. I knew there were some smart guys there so as I expected when I checked a couple days later the default colors had been restored.
well these arnt pranks per say but they are good harmless fun none the less

the original quake was installed on some servers at my high school for years unknown to the admin

The college I go to has prolly over 100gig of illegal games then several gigs of music on its servers. Shhhhh no one knows!!!
First time trying to remove motherboard from case didn't see the backplate just dropped from the other side with 2 screws so tried force it out with a screw driver. at first i didn't feel anything but i started to see blood all over the computer. when i saw my finger notice the damage. 10 mins after it hurt like a bitch.

First time doing basic maintenance (AT Power Supply) i yunk all 4 cables from the on/off switch to the power supply didn't know the configuration, put them back on the switch turn it on and BAM!!! the breaker blew, the power cord fried and cought on fire.

Other then that i have dropped 2 or 3 hdd in my lifetime. nothing big.
Are felines allowed?

My cat was sleeping peacefully on the top of my monitor as its good and warm. 10 minutes ago she jumped vertically and there was a fizzling sound. She is looking nervous and has some singed whiskers. I guess they had got through the gaps and touched some of the HT capacitors inside.

How come its always high voltage that I get involved in.

Yes my friend feline and other animal stories soo count.

Look at the kitty 😀
Wiz, as off topic as your anti-Bush/US comments were could you also take them elsewhere?

Cmon, Department of HS taking on the defication of a kids computer as Bio warfare? || The Dept of HS taking on a prank phone call?

Get real....

So in your own words can we get back on topic??


kamel5547 wrote

[/quote]Did ya see this article about a 14 year old being interogated by the Secret Service because she was a potential "threat" to the president? Its not so far fetched that someone might just go after you far a harmless joke...



This edit is made on Thursday, October 19, 2006

To the good readership here and most especially Ches111:

On Monday night of this week, I made the post below. It includes a bunch of comments that are a personal attack on Ches111. I most humbly appologize to both Ches111 and the good readership for the inappropriate and seriously over-the-top personal remarks that I made. I cannot un-say them, but I do retract them.

At the time, I was (as I still am) dealing with a situation that has made me angrier than I have been in an extremely long time. I was so angry at the time that I was literally on the edge of throwing up - and had been in this state for several days.

I bring this up for one reason only - to illustrate my folly and stupidity in getting into a "debate" about any topic when one is under severe emotional strain. There is no excuse, mitigation or "explanation" for my performance on Monday night. Especially since I not only DO know better, but I have criticized similar behaviour in others in the past.

I can only hope that the rest of the community will accept my appology and not stop taking me seriously.

As an asside to DaSickNinja: You may have thought I was joking when I said that I mess up from time to time (in the "what we need to remeber thread). Here is unequivicle proof I wasn't.

End edit

To all other members of the good readership here, please note: unfortunately large amount of required background stuff follows. Sorry for the delay, but it is required.

RE: ches111

Nothing I have said here has been off topic. The originator of the thread/discussion has given me de-facto permission. See earlier posts for details.

Your comment that I am Anti US/Bush is pure crap, serving no other purpose than to attempt to intimidate me. Sadly, I am not scared. Given that I was stating a cold, hard fact (albiet an ugly one) where do you get off saying I am anti US? Unfortunately for you and your ilk, I use logic and reason.

I am absolutely and utterly horrified by what is happening in/to the US these days. What I see is a complete abondonment of the concepts and principles your country was based on; the complete betrayal of your constitution in the name of paranoia and corprorate greed, and the triumph of stupidity and anti-intellectualism over rational thinking and reality.

I am definitely anti-Bush, but since I am not a US citizen and can't vote there, this is irrelevaent. Tragically, GWB and gang are a real threat to their immediatee neighbours and the rest of the world. I wish there was something I could legitimately do about him.

Anti-US: not effing likely - I truly grieve and weep for the situation I observe there.

Please explain to the good readership here how being opposed to the current administration is "Anti-US" - especially in terms and context of the First Ammendment. Which has something to do with "Freedom of Speech", as I recall. Which, as a "Good Ole US Boy", you support, don't you? You do support and believe in your own constitution, don't you?

You may be a supporter of Mr. Bush (a clear indication, IMHO, of stupidity sufficient to be a very strong Darwin Award contender) - that is your prerogative , but that does not give you any right to ignore cold, hard reality.

Now, you wouldn't be trying to prevent one from excercising their constitutional rights, would you? By way of spurious intimidation and so on? I am bleakly amused by how often the supporters of GWB and gang are so willing to ignore the reality they so vehemently claim to revere. And how willing they are to use lies and FUD tactics to subvert and suppress the US Constitution. Funny that. GD hypocites and liars.

There have been numerous, documented examples of DHS negligence, incompetence and malfeasence. See the reference in the kamel5547 post (among other examples). As I recall (I could be wrong), it is DHS that creates and administers the "No-Fly" list. And I also recall that Senator Kennedy somehow ended up on the list and experienced "difficulties" when attempting to travel from Boston to Washington DC. Strange how the fact that Sen. Kennedy is a Democrat is never addressed.

The comments about DHS and recent legislation are, in fact, on topic. When you assemble the following - oh so trivial - points: warrantless NSA "surveilance" of assorted communications of US residents including the internet; the demand that search engine providers (Google, Yahoo etc.) turn over their databases to DHS, which were mostly complied with; the recent security breaches at AOL (and others); the proposed two-tier internet access legislation (which seriously favours the expensive and large ISPs and web-sites and marginalizes the independant sites - the technical term is "net freedom"), etc - it is not unreasonable to ask: WTF?.

The very recent bill re "interrogation techniques" that I referenced in a previous post also eliminates the concept of "habeus corpus" and any requirement that the state provide the "defendant" with any of the "evidence" against them. Innocent Until Proven Guilty" no longer applies. OOPS!!? Just exactly what is it that you, ches111, actually support in your own constitution? And what, exactly, is the concept of the US all about? Let's add the general attitude of GWB and coterie to the pot, and any rational observer will concede that we have a very big problem. The issue of "pranks", extremely dubious legislation, and DHS is no longer an "off-topic" or "esoteric" question, is it? Espcially when you factor in the combination of illegal beaviour, and known security organization paraniod delusional thinking.

Given your own government's (and hero's) penchant to break its own laws, ignore and attempt to subvert its own constitution, consistently use FUD, outright lies and support of negligence and incompetence ("you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie"), not to mention failures to comply with treaties it has initiated, signed and ratified to justify and support absolutely unnaceptable behaviour, where exactly do you get off accusing me (or anyon else) of being "Anti-US"? Any rational observer would be correct in suggesting that people who are US Citizens, who think as you do, of being not only "anti-US", but traitors as well. As I recall, DaSickNinja quoted the First Ammendment in one of his/her posts on one of the discussion threads I have been following. This person has a far better grasp of the constitution than you do.

All of the above has been on topic because what you say on-line is also free spech, as in the First Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. And yet your "constitutional rights" do have legitimate limits. For instance, your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. Or your right to free speech ends at the right to yell "fire" in a theater when there is no fire. Or, can you say "slander", "libel" or "defamation of character"? Neverthelaess, there are clearly-defined limits on the state's right and ability to observe and intercept your communications. This includes the internet. GWB and clique don't think the constitution applies. Nor do his supporters. Funny how this bunch wrap themselves in the flag (and constitution, by implication).

Unfortunately, paranoia and social/political cretins like ches111, create a socio-political environment where bragging about/admitting to, questionable actions one has done in the past leave one open to persecution by the state. The specific issues I raised in this post (and earlier) about (illegal) surveillance, etc., and examples of concerns, shall we say, about questionable behaviour by government orgs are reasonable and on topic.

The specific starting topic of this thread was "Worst PC Build Screw Ups", not "Assorted Computer Pranks I Have Pulled". Becuase DaSickNinja has explicitely stated that "pranks" are OK, the issues and observations I have raised are also OK.

Like it or not, given the legislative and "legal" environment re surveillance of communications, etc. in the US, the socio-political and legal situation there is now fair comment. Since admitting to "dubious things one has done in the past to others (as opposed to myself- very big legal difference between the two) is OK, commenting on legal/politcal ramifications is also OK. Particularly since the majority of the posters are apparantly US citizens/residents. Earlier comments re circumspection remain apropos and correct.

When one considers the legislation re "enemy combatants", "interrogatin", etc., passed recently, combined with NSA and CIA surveillance of communications and internet surveillance, those of you living in the US should be paranoid.

Final comment to ches111 (and this is as passionate and heartfelt as can possibly be - and off topic, but relevant):

You, your foul ilk, and what you stand for, are the filth that my mother's cousin was killed fighting against - to wit - NAZI and SOVIET tyranny in my parent's native country. It absolutely terrifies me to hear my father, who saw both the NAZI's and Soviets in action, say that the US is now a police state. And you have the gall to call me anti-US. As you explicitely declare your support for "Dubya" and all his actions. Who here is "anti-US"? You third-rate (on your very best day) punk REMF traitor. From the heart of my bottom: slither back under your rock and FOAD. And take your friends with you.
TO ches111

Your comment that I am AntiUS/Bush is pure crap, serving no other purpose than to attempt to intimidate me. Unfortunately for you, I am not scared. Given that I was stating a cold, hard fact (albiet an ugly one) where do you get off saying I am anti US?

I am absolutely and uttely horrified by what is happening in/to the US these days. Definitely anti-Bush, but since I am not a US citizen and can't vote there, irrelevaent.

You may be a supporter of Mr. Bush (a clear indication, IMHO, of stupidity sufficient to be a very strong Darwin Award contender) - that is your prerogative , but that does not give you any right to ignore cold, hard reality.

I am bleakly amused by how often the supporters of GWB and gang are so willing to ignore the reality they so vehemently claim to revere. GD hypocites and liars.

There have been numerous, documented examples of DHS negligence, incompetence and malfeasence. See the reference in the kamel5547 post (among other examples). As I recall (I could be wrong), it is DHS that creates and administers the "No-Fly" list. And I also recall that Senator Kennedy somehow ended up on the list and experienced "difficulties" when attempting to travel from Boston to Washington DC. Strange how the fact that Sen. Kennedy is a Democrat is never addressed.

The comments about DHS and recent legislation are, in fact, on topic. When you assemble the following - oh so trivial - points: warrantless NSA "surveilance" of assorted communications of US residents including the internet; the demand that search engine providers (Google, Yahoo etc.) turn over their databases to DHS, which were mostly complied with; the recent security breaches at AOL (and others); the proposed two-tier internet access legislation (which seriously favours the expensive and large ISPs and web-sites) - the technical term is "net freedom"), and so on - it is not unreasonable to ask: WTF?.

The very recent bill re "interrogation techniques" that I referenced in a previous post also eliminates the concept of "habeus corpus" and any requirement that the state provide the defendant with any of the "evidence" against them. OOPS, just exactly what is it that you, ches111, actually support in your own constitution? And what, exactly, is the concept of the US all about? Let's add the general attitude of GWB and coterie to the pot, and any rational observer will concede that we have a very big problem. The issue of "pranks", extremely dubious legislation and DHS is no longer an "off-topic" or "esoteric" question, is it? Espcially when you factor in the combination of illeagal beaviour and known security organizaation paraniod delusional thinking.

Given your own government's (and hero's) penchant to break its own laws, ignore and attempt to subvert it's own constitution, consistently use FUD, outright lies and support of negligence and incompeternce ("you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie"), not to mention failures to comply with treaties it has initiated, signed and ratified to justify and support absolutely unnaceptable behaviour, where exactly do you get off accuseing me (or anyon else) of being "Anti-US"? Any rational observer would be correct in suggesting that people who think as you, apparantly, do of being, not only "anti-US", but traitors as well. As I recall, DaSickNinja quoted the First Ammendment in one of his/her posts on one of the discussion threads I have been following. This person has a far better grasp of the constitution than you do.

All of the above has been on topic because what you say on-line is also free spech, as in the First Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. And yet your "constitutional rights" do have legitimate limits. For instance, your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. Or your right to free speech ends at the right to yell "fire" in a theater when there is no fire. Or, can you say "slander", "libel" or "defemation of character"? Neverthelaess, there are clearly-defined limits on the state's right and ability to observe and intercept your communications. This includes the internet. GWB and supporters don't think the constitution applies.

Unfortunately, paranoia and political cretins like ches111, create a social space where bragging about/admitting to, questionable actions one has done in the past leave one open to persecution by the state. The specific issues I raised in this post about illegal surviellance, etc., and examples of concerns, let's say, about questionable behaviour by government orgs

The specific starting topic of this thread was "Worst PC Build Screw Ups", not "Assorted Computer Pranks I Have Done".

Hey Wiz thanks for that bit of info... Did I state that I am a Bush supporter? I think that I did not... As it turns out I am a supporter of "whomever" gets into the White House. I am a supporter as stated "because it takes a good two party system (at least) to support such a great country as ours. I find the ebb and flow of our two parties to be somewhat complimentary as it was first set up to be.

Now do I have to LIKE anyone who holds that office? No. I did serve in our military to preserve those rights of people to "NOT" like who is in office at the time. That again is what makes it sooo good.

So in Long - Until you have walked even a foot in my shoes (lived in the US at least) please do not disregard my point of view and I promise to do the same for you and your country.

PS... The Secret Sevice is NOT a member of the DHS... Their charter is two fold and that is as follows:

First - Protect/investigate attempts/potential threats on our presidents life. Even from 14 year old girls who make empty threats..
Second - Protect/Investigate attmpts/potential attempts at counterfeiting our money.

Please do not bring up my Constitutional Rights... I do not need to be spoon fed my rights by someone outside of those rights. I again will offer you the same respect to your countries rights..

As far as the rest of your non-US drivel :roll: :roll:... Thanks for that as well...

You may view us/US as you wish... I will view us/US as I wish...

For many countries out there they are not even afforded those rights.... So when people in much more grave circumstances, than obviously you or I, are able to have even those basic rights lets just leave it at that...

If you wish to continue to carry out this conversation I will gladly continue via PM where we are no longer hi-jacking (pun intended) this thread.

Good Day...
Back on topic...

Cant remember if it was this thread were overclocking school comps was mentioned but...

I decided to overclock one of the P4 ovens at my school, it's original clock was 3.00ghz, I pushed it up to 3.8-3.9 something, cant remember what exactly it was. It's a programming class and we are allowed to take our own laptops if we had the software, so I was working on my laptop at the time. So now that I got it overclocked, and I had another comp to work on, I put prime95 on the comp and ran the stress test.
It was heating up fast, but somehow the one fan that was cooling it was preventing it from frying. So a friend of mine decided to put a piece of paper infront of the intake. About halfway through the class smoke starts coming out of the machine, we couldnt tell if it crashed b/c the monitor was turned off to make it look like it was off (the front led on the case wasn't working properly, so the only thing that could give it away was the monitor). But it really smelled bad, and the smoke got a great laugh out of everyone in the class at the time. The thing now has to be replaced, but I think it was worth it, was a great waste of time too. I'm not sure if it was the proc itself that smoked or components on the mobo tho...

Luckily I wasn't caught.

Hope someone enjoyed this.

Edit - Spelling Mistakes here and there...
Are felines allowed?

My cat was sleeping peacefully on the top of my monitor as its good and warm. 10 minutes ago she jumped vertically and there was a fizzling sound. She is looking nervous and has some singed whiskers. I guess they had got through the gaps and touched some of the HT capacitors inside.

How come its always high voltage that I get involved in.


Poor kitty. Reminds me of the time that my (my family's) cat saw a bug and started wildly chasing it around the room. The fun ended, though, when the bug took a wrong turn into a halogen lamp. Burn, baby, burn :lol:

You posted right at 9:39... You are an AMD fanboy!! 😉

You bought that X6800 to disguise it right? :)

j/k Good to be back OT...

PS... Ever charge a Capacitor and then throw it to someone? That is a good hardware prank too... :)
>You, your foul ilk, and what you stand for, are the filth that my mother's cousin was killed fighting against - to wit - NAZI and SOVIET tyranny in my parent's native country. It absolutely terrifies me to hear my father, who saw both the NAZI's and Soviets in action, say that the US is now a police state.

Woohoo! We have a Godwin's Law failure!

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