Worth buying an RX 580/GTX 1060 now?

Nikos K

Nov 12, 2014
I currently have an R9 280 and honestly I don't mind it at all. I am usually able to play AAA games with something like medium to high settings and still get more than 30 fps. Not that I am not satisfied, but I don't think that it is not going to be able to do like this for a long time. Having seen requirements for recently released/upcoming games, I think the time to upgrade has finally come. If I do upgrade I will buy either a GTX 1060 with 6 GB or an RX 580 with 8GB. However, both of these are pretty old now and one's replacement is already confirmed and I don't see the other one's replacement being too far from now. Plus, both cost more than 250 euros so I think they are overpriced for what they have to offer. I obviously don't know how much their replacements will cost, but I reckon they will be better value. However I also don't know how much I will have to wait for the new AMD cards to drop. What would my best choice? P.S. I am also thinking about upgrading my cpu. I currently have an i5-4460 (with 8 GB RAM) and am looking to get an i5-8400. Do I need to or do you think the 4460 is still decent? Also regarding the graphics card, I don't have a restricted budget but I don't think I need anything more than gtx xx60/rx x80 series. As I said, I mainly play AAA games, in 1080p.
The 2060, a replacement for the 1060, is going to be significantly more expensive than the 1060.

Currently in the US, there are a number of RX 580 8GB models that are less expensive than the cheapest 1060 6GB. I'm surprised that this isn't happening in Europe as well. (I took a quick look at PC Part Picker Italy, and yeah, they seem to be on par, pricewise, with each other, more or less).

I believe the i5-4460 is still decent, and I am using one of those myself. I only have a more powerful video card because I'm dealing with a 3840x1600 monitor - that's a lot of pixels to push.

I think if you're looking for AAA games maxed out at 1080p at 60fps, the 1060 6GB or RX 580 8GB will be plenty.

As always, I would say wait as long as you...
since you are running 280, and currently not having too much issue with it. it's up to you.

here are my experience, i went from a r9 380 to a rx580, and i get about 50% more performance (6600k for cpu). 4460 is showing it's age, and i would suggest going to a 8400 or higher.
The 2060, a replacement for the 1060, is going to be significantly more expensive than the 1060.

Currently in the US, there are a number of RX 580 8GB models that are less expensive than the cheapest 1060 6GB. I'm surprised that this isn't happening in Europe as well. (I took a quick look at PC Part Picker Italy, and yeah, they seem to be on par, pricewise, with each other, more or less).

I believe the i5-4460 is still decent, and I am using one of those myself. I only have a more powerful video card because I'm dealing with a 3840x1600 monitor - that's a lot of pixels to push.

I think if you're looking for AAA games maxed out at 1080p at 60fps, the 1060 6GB or RX 580 8GB will be plenty.

As always, I would say wait as long as you can. The less in a hurry you are, the better of a deal you can wait for.
> Thats around 80% performance increase... http://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-1060-6GB-vs-AMD-R9-280/3639vs2241

> Your CPU can pretty much support it... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q7lIYRK5T0ABLvAkgbM_2jJGvbhlep27mR-eRcCy4FA/edit#gid=0

1060/580 are both still very good gaming cards for 1080p. The new NVidia cards are still not benchmarked yet and chances are they will be fairly better, but not by a long margin. You can perhaps wait for them to drop in and shake up the prices.
I've heard that the 2060 is going to be expensive in comparison with previous xx60 cards, too, so as it seems it is the least possible option. Now regarding the next gen amd cards, do we have any news about when they are releasing? I am probably going to wait a little more anyway now that I think about it, because I can't be sure how the R9 280 is going to do with upcoming games and I will have to wait and see. I could possibly also get a better deal of the RX 580 or GTX 1060 if I wait some more, but my concern is about their supplies. Though, I would like even just an estimate of how long I'll have to wait for the RX 680 or whatever it's called
Nothing that I've come across for the consumer/gamer market coming from AMD for the rest of 2018. I was hoping to see something, even if it's just another refresh and a slight performance boost of Polaris, or some tweak to Vega, but I don't think anything will come out until 2019 for AMD.

I could be wrong, though.
RX580? Maybe. There have been some really nice deals going around on those. This is also assuming you already have the PSU required for that card.

IMO the 1060 isn't at a price break worth considering the card for, yet...in that, they are so popular and so mainstream that even with the release of the 20 cards imminent we haven't seen any massive sales on it. It's still selling well at the (still inflated) pricing.
i have no doubt that internally, AMD are rushing to get the next gen launched. vega launch reminded me the days of hd2900xt and how nvdia 8800 gtx/ultra reign supreme for almost 2.5 years.

so yea, pbbly next summer. we can see some real competition.
Is the "Navi" mentioned in those articles the codename of the 600 series though? Because I haven't been following AMD's plans for the new GPUs until now, so I'm a little confused about the codenames and architectures at the moment.