Would a FX-8350 bottleneck a 290X?

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Nov 24, 2013
Hello everyone, I've got a question here.

I want to avoid bottlenecks as much as possible, what would I need to run a 290x? Is a 8350 enough? What kind of OC would it need if at all? What cooler do you recommend?

Thanks in advance.
No way. Fx 8350 will not at all bottleneck r9 290x. It's price/performance ratio is even better than 4770k and titan, when compared. Even on 4 threaded games you won't notice any bottlenecks. Also, on 2 threaded games like bf3, fx 8350 does a hell good job than you expect it to give you. And you will notice the best combination used of your gpu and cpu on crysis 3, which is greatly optimised.
Again, you won't notice any bottlenecks with fx 8350 on any kind of game. I know it doesn't give that much performance if considered to 4670k on 4 threaded games but it performs near to it and is more than enough to run those games on ultra with almost all the filters on.


Sep 14, 2013
No way. Fx 8350 will not at all bottleneck r9 290x. It's price/performance ratio is even better than 4770k and titan, when compared. Even on 4 threaded games you won't notice any bottlenecks. Also, on 2 threaded games like bf3, fx 8350 does a hell good job than you expect it to give you. And you will notice the best combination used of your gpu and cpu on crysis 3, which is greatly optimised.
Again, you won't notice any bottlenecks with fx 8350 on any kind of game. I know it doesn't give that much performance if considered to 4670k on 4 threaded games but it performs near to it and is more than enough to run those games on ultra with almost all the filters on.
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