WoW at low fps with 8800gt oc


Aug 25, 2008
Alright guys so I bought World of Warcraft, and I've been playing it a bit with everything on like mid-high settings only getting like 30-40 fps. And I will change like every single setting to LOW and still only get like 60-70fps in some places..which shouldnt happen.

my cpu specs

2gb RAM
2.4ghz dual core AMD athlon 64x2
nvidia 8800gt oc

I am thinking about over clocking it abit but my videocard is very hot as it is.

let me know whats wrong, thanks.
30 - 40 FPS is good based on where you are at. FPS ranges pretty widely depending on whether you are in the "old world", Dalaran, Raids, parts of Outland and Northrend. The last PC I had that I played WoW on was an X2 6400+ (3.2 Ghz) with an 8800 GTX. My FPS on a 22 inch monitor with all settings maxed and shadow quality off ranged from 25-60 depending on where I was.