[citation][nom]bystander[/nom]Actually I did, since Apple's co-founder screwed him out of the business.[/citation]
I'm not familiar enough with the history to know whether or not "Woz" would agree with your perspective. I simply enjoy Apple's products. I don't pay much attention to all these lawsuit shenanigans because I haven't seen it affect me in any important way. Apple sues Samsung...Samsung suess Apple. Apple sues Google...the US sues Apple. on and on...on an on.
I have a Mac Pro, a Macbook Pro, 3 iPads (in our home), 2 iPhones (in our home) and a couple iPods. ...I also have a reasonable Wintel gaming machine. Now if these lawsuits impact my ability to purchase the tech I like then I'll feel differently, but so far that's hasn't happened and I'm kinda hoping it doesn't.
...back to "Woz" and what's relevant to this article... My comment was made because in the few times I'd heard what he has to say about Apple and their products he's glowingly positive...based on that I'd expect him to say "Apple" is the good guy. I simply don't quite believe that.
You didn't ask but....