According to a news report on Digitimes, Intel is busy working on two enthusiast features for the X38 chipset before the launch next month. Not content by having two x16 PCI Express 2.0 slots with CrossFire support, Intel is going to take on Nvidia’s SLI memory technology with what it calls Extreme Memory.
This is the same concept as Nvidia’s SLI memory, although Intel is only going to certify DDR3 modules, DDR2 won’t be considered. According to the news report, Intel is already working with Kingston and OCZ and samples should be available in late September.
The good news is that the Extreme Memory modules should also be compatible with the P35 chipset, as long as your board supports DDR3 modules, as well as Intel’s next generation mobile performance chipset.
Intel is also working on a software application similar to Nvidia’s nTune, which is called Extreme Tuning. This enables you to adjust BIOS settings from with in the OS and this makes for easier overclocking for those not familiar with the BIOS. However, Extreme Tuning is only for the X38 chipset, but hopefully Intel will release it for other chipsets as well. It will be customizable by the motherboard partners to fit with their choice of colour and design.
You can read the Digitimes story here
Here's the link to the article..
I would of posted it to the other thread talking about this same topic..But I believe it deserves its own thread for confirmation.
found another article from hothardware. Here's a link for my confirmation ^_^