Xbox One Ad Invites You to the Next Generation

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I have Xbox 360 (4GB flash + 250GB Hard drive) with about 50 games. After I heard the new Xbox One doesn't support the old Xbox 360 games. I was so mad and thinking to switch to Play Station for good. Hardware wise between Xbox One and PS4. The PS4 has 25% more powerful than Xbox One, so I think I know where to go from here....
Recycling press releases is becoming the norm around here.

Agree about the PS4 though. The news about Android support is making it look very appealing.
That's understandable since the CPUs are incompatible. Supporting the 360's games would require CPU emulation which would be very slow. You can always keep the old console also. That said, the PS4 does seem to be a better deal depending on how much value a buyer puts into the platform-exclusive games.

Recycling press releases is becoming the norm around here.

Agree about the PS4 though. The news about Android support is making it look very appealing.
Ummmmm, the PS4 isn't backward compatible either. The streaming via Gakai doesn't count as u'll still need to buy the games over again. So ur angry at a feature neither console has and that made u wanna switch? Really dumb.
What's with all the complaint? It's not like there are that many news on a Sunday. Besides, I don't follow company specific press releases, so if there is something moderately interesting, like this video, I see no harm in posting it.
Who cares which one is more powerful? The majority of games will be released for all consoles and be tuned for the least powerful console of each generation. Every generation has the same ridiculous argument about which is more powerful, and every generation sees the same results. The developers like to deliver a consistent product when its available on multiple systems. Hell, most of em even deliver the same crap textures for the PC version, and you are lucky to see an optional patch that includes higher resolution ones.

An exclusive title's graphics can be impressive as far as consoles go, but then there's nothing to compare it to. Games like the Halo series, or a title like "The Last of Us" still use crappy, muddy textures for the majority of things but then use really detailed character models that you spend most of the time looking at, thinking wow the whole game has amazing graphics. No it doesn't. Most of the screen looks like crap and its only what has your focus actually looks half decent.

So you were expecting that a console, based on IBM proprietary hardware, that's older would have the games move forward with it?

And you don't think Sony didn't do the same thing?

Because guess what, the PS4 wont work with any PS3 games either. Both have IBM PowerPC based CPUs and are moving to x86 CPUs.

As for the 25% better power, that means nothing. The 360 had a better GPU than the PS3 but the PS3 had a much more powerful CPU. Its all about if they know how to utilize that power. And with more performance come more power usage and more heat and more potential problems.

The best way to gauge which console will be better is to wait a few months and see which has less issues and which has the better games.

Or just stick with a PC which can still play games from the early 90s.
It doesn't matter that the PS4 has a little better hardware. The thing that matters is that it will cost 100 bucks less than the Xbox One.
I won't mention how big Microsoft screwed up when they showed the Xbox One for the first time.
Anyway, i preordered the PS4 without thinking twice. Actually i can't believe there's people supporting those idiots from Microsoft and trying to justify the price and everything.
Sean1357, so out of spite you will switch to PS4 and still not play your old XB360 games, only difference now is if they even figure a way to port disks from the 360 to the One it will be too late.
oh come on the xbox 360 was compatible with an emulator patch with the xbox games and both cpu's were incompatible with one another seeing as xbox used non x86 cpu and the xbox 360 had a intel Celeron x86 cpu.
@ Makaveli316

The prices aren't the far off if you have kids interested in the motion gaming, the PS4 eye will cost $59.99 (so that brings the total to just $34 difference after taxes. And needs to have Controllers in order to pick up the "light bar" on the dual shock controllers for multiple people to play, so do the math by adding on $59.99 for how many controllers you want as-well.

I'd rather have to deal with a Kinect personally for my children, as to it can support up to 6 people at any time without an extra cost of controllers.
People be wary on falling for the hype of either console at launch. Remember the Red Ring Of Death for the Xbox 360? or how about the Yellow Light of Death for the PS3? The quality of products for both these companies shouldn't be trusted, so you're really gambling with your money if you decide to buy a console at launch date. I suggest waiting for later revisions, so they don't screw you in the ass.
I know many people that have launch xbox 360s, and ps3 fats that never RROD, or YLOD. Lots of times it happened from idiots having the consoles inside a closed entertainment system. Or in houses that didn't have the AC on when its 90 degrees outside. My rigs same with the PC are in a cold basement even when the air is off, Basements for the win, Also I keep my room clean, and dust, animal hair free. And have my consoles on glass open Whalen audio towers that can breath on all sides.

My gamble is safe. I also don't game for 10000 hours a day, I play a few hours at best if I'm lucky every few days. I's part of being busy with a job, and a family. 😉
@ Otacon. Most people don't want motion controls, and Sony knows this. Making the camera an option for those few who want it allows them to sell the PS4 for less. And a lower price will sell more consoles then fetchers. Just look back at the PS3 and 360.
The PS4 'eye' controller will be quite unsupported and probably a waste of money. I think the XB1's included unit will garner considerable support if that feature means anything to you. If you see no value there than yeah the PS4 is a better deal, otherwise the XB1 is good. As for all this talk the PS4 is 25% faster that is obviously not factual. The GPU in the PS4 has 25% more cores but they are clocked 10% slower as is the CPU. The XB1 has a discrete audio controller and ESRAM to feed the GPU. All that considered I still think the PS4 is probably faster overall but it's going to be close. I will probably pick up both consoles.
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