Exclusive? I been waiting on the S-Frame to hit the market since In-Win announced it. Not one single part is something I cannot buy and assemble myself, and since when is "powered by Asus" unique in a gaming PC? Just about every boutique manufacturer of PCs uses Asus boards. I remember when Velocity Micro used to buy them in lots of a thousand at a time. Also, another person here stated that the $1700 over cost of parts is "because of the one year warranty", which is 99% a cost they pass on to their parts suppliers. This is a ripoff, and likely a sponsored article... I could build you that exact machine, literally detail for detail, for about 60-70% of what they want for it. Xotic is doing nothing here but assembling parts for a 30-40% margin. What, they think they are Apple computer now? Hilarious.