XP 1900+ runs hot


Apr 25, 2003
First off let me give my setup before the change to the XP1900.

I was running a XP1800 overclocked to 1900, stock amd fan), MSI K7n2 mb, geforce ti 4200, and a case with 2 fans on the side panel. With everything like this the CPU temp was 55 degress Celsius and the system temp was 35 Celsius. Nothing major.

I got a XP 1900+ in along with a themaltake volcano 6Cu+ . I decided to put the 1900 in my box with the new fan. I also used some arctic silver 3 compound.

With the new equipment in my box the CPU temp was now at 61 degrees Celsius and the system temp was at 40. This was checked over a 5 day period.

Thinking there might have been something wrong with the thermaltak heatsink/fan I put the amd stock fan back on the cpu and temp jumped up to 64 or 65.

So, I thought maybe I f'd something up in my box when changing out fan/heatsinks. I put the original 1800 and heatsink/fan back on and I was back to 55/35.

I'm basically wanted to no if the XP1900+ is known for putting out higher heat numbers? Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Please let me know.

It just pisses me off that I have a XP1900+ sitting at home that runs hotter than my 1800 that is overclocked.

Replies are welcomed. Thanks for listening.
Those temps seem hot - hope they were under load.

Check what voltage you're giving the CPU's first as putting 1.85v through any modern chip will warm your room up when aircooling.

Could also be your BIOS misreading the onboard thermistors so I'd try reflashing it.

btw, if your CPU is really running that hot then the heatsink would be too hot to touch for too long so try probing the base of it with your fingertip.

<b>Vorsprung durch Dontwerk</b>.....<i>as they say at VIA</i>
I'm not really saying that these temperatures are astronomical. The point was to emphasize the 1800 running at 1900 cooler than the 1900 running at 1900.

Just trying to find out if other people are having this happen or if it's common with xp 1900 chips.

Maybe I just got a raw deal...who knows. Thanks for the reply.
Blimy - It might be a good idea to test those chips in another board, might be the one you've got there is overjuicing them somehow. Is it a secondhand board you've got which might have had a voltage mod?

btw, If you can give me the chip numbers I could give you some information on them regarding required voltage and overclocking possibilities.

<b>Vorsprung durch Dontwerk</b>.....<i>as they say at VIA</i>
erm I just upgraded to an MSI K7N2 motherboard, all my other hardware exactly the same. now my games are locking up? and my temp is running at 66c. Perhaps its a thing with the MSI boards? Ill try latest bios (if there is one)

BTW what sort of temp will it be very dangerous to run at?

Edit: Visit the MSI site @ www.msi.com.tw. The latest bios revision for the K7N2 fixes a CPU Temp problem..

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by GavinUK on 04/25/03 03:14 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
AMD cpus are supposed to be OK up to about 85c... but they will often get unstable well befor that, around 70c.

In practice you want to keep the temps in the low 40c range (at idle) to ensure that you have sufficient overhead to allow heating under load without running into problems.

--->It ain't better if it don't work<---

Ive got a 1800XP running at 1633 (by overclock the FSB-see my question els where)
i can get it to about 70°C, and indeed it lockes up at that temperatuur at some games, but i changed my vent by a adjustable 80mm ennermax, and that solved the problem for me ! having this system running for about 2 mounths now, I think a core temeratuur of about 65-70° is rather stable, for an 1800XP - i know that it won't answers youre question, but the temperatuur won't be the problem i think.
Further i removed the side cooling (like you have) , just thinking that the airflow has to go past the CPU and not in the case and blown out emidiatly by a other vent!!

I hoped i could help you with my experience !!!,

Sorry for my englisch, im only 9 !! grtzzz