First off let me give my setup before the change to the XP1900.
I was running a XP1800 overclocked to 1900, stock amd fan), MSI K7n2 mb, geforce ti 4200, and a case with 2 fans on the side panel. With everything like this the CPU temp was 55 degress Celsius and the system temp was 35 Celsius. Nothing major.
I got a XP 1900+ in along with a themaltake volcano 6Cu+ . I decided to put the 1900 in my box with the new fan. I also used some arctic silver 3 compound.
With the new equipment in my box the CPU temp was now at 61 degrees Celsius and the system temp was at 40. This was checked over a 5 day period.
Thinking there might have been something wrong with the thermaltak heatsink/fan I put the amd stock fan back on the cpu and temp jumped up to 64 or 65.
So, I thought maybe I f'd something up in my box when changing out fan/heatsinks. I put the original 1800 and heatsink/fan back on and I was back to 55/35.
I'm basically wanted to no if the XP1900+ is known for putting out higher heat numbers? Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Please let me know.
It just pisses me off that I have a XP1900+ sitting at home that runs hotter than my 1800 that is overclocked.
Replies are welcomed. Thanks for listening.
I was running a XP1800 overclocked to 1900, stock amd fan), MSI K7n2 mb, geforce ti 4200, and a case with 2 fans on the side panel. With everything like this the CPU temp was 55 degress Celsius and the system temp was 35 Celsius. Nothing major.
I got a XP 1900+ in along with a themaltake volcano 6Cu+ . I decided to put the 1900 in my box with the new fan. I also used some arctic silver 3 compound.
With the new equipment in my box the CPU temp was now at 61 degrees Celsius and the system temp was at 40. This was checked over a 5 day period.
Thinking there might have been something wrong with the thermaltak heatsink/fan I put the amd stock fan back on the cpu and temp jumped up to 64 or 65.
So, I thought maybe I f'd something up in my box when changing out fan/heatsinks. I put the original 1800 and heatsink/fan back on and I was back to 55/35.
I'm basically wanted to no if the XP1900+ is known for putting out higher heat numbers? Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Please let me know.
It just pisses me off that I have a XP1900+ sitting at home that runs hotter than my 1800 that is overclocked.
Replies are welcomed. Thanks for listening.