XP Home or XP Pro?


Feb 26, 2004
I'm building a new computer with an AMD 64 3200+, 1 gig corsair xms and will be used mostly for Gaming. Was wondering what the difference is between the 2 and which one which one would be the best to buy?

Thanks in advance

Confuscious say: He who go to bed with ithcy ass, wake up with stinkyfinger
For a gaming PC it doesn't matter. Buy the cheaper of the two versions; if they are the same price you might as well get Pro I suppose.

<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/whichxp.asp" target="_new">Here</A> is Microsoft's take on the choice. For a gaming system, the only extra feature that might be worthwhile is System Restore, which does come in handy once in a while.

<b>1.4 Ghz AMD T-Bird underclocked to 1 Ghz...just to be safe!</b>
Most of the new games (specs on pack) I have read nearly always aprove of XP Home.

I have read of a few that state not compatable with XP Pro, but are with XP Home.

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
I can't remember a specific game!

Go to a major game store and check out some games and read the specs on the pack.

You will find the odd one that is not compatable with XP Pro.

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
Thanks, imput noted and appreciated. Think i'll take a chance with XP Pro. Feeling adventurous. :)

Confuscious say: He who go to bed with ithcy ass, wake up with stinkyfinger
Go to a major game store and check out some games and read the specs on the pack.

You will find the odd one that is not compatable with XP Pro.
Again, nonsense. The difference between XP Home and XP Pro is in the feature set, not in the OS itself.

<b>1.4 Ghz AMD T-Bird underclocked to 1 Ghz...just to be safe!</b>
Err, tell some game developers that.

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
Err, tell some game developers that.
I'm still waiting on that specific example. One, just one. That's all I ask.

...and no example may start with "so, yeah this like...guy...mentioned this thing about XP...it was from across the room...

<b>1.4 Ghz AMD T-Bird underclocked to 1 Ghz...just to be safe!</b>
XP Home has super weak networking abilities compared to XP Pro. Peer to peer maxes out at 5 computers, major problems on a domain based network, and despite what people say, it is more likely to have problems than pro at LAn parties. Note, I am not saying it won't work most of the time, just saying there are sometimes strange innabilities to find/connect to a game. Pro is a safer bet and has many other features not in the crippled Home version.

Remember the nightmare stories about college kids showing up to school with their new Dell XP home machines? See this college help article:
<A HREF="http://www.oberlin.edu/cit/resnet/XPhome_setup.html" target="_new">http://www.oberlin.edu/cit/resnet/XPhome_setup.html</A>

Microsofts take on the two:
<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/home/evaluation/overviews/joindomain.asp" target="_new">http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/home/evaluation/overviews/joindomain.asp</A>

XP Home networking pitfuls discussed here
<A HREF="http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6270-1040571.html" target="_new">http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6270-1040571.html</A>

"Windows XP Home Version Bedevils Company Networks"
<A HREF="http://www.compstar.com/IT_Michiana/xphome.htm" target="_new">http://www.compstar.com/IT_Michiana/xphome.htm</A>

Here is a discussion we had on this while you were gone.
<A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=172751#172751" target="_new">http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=172751#172751</A>

Anyway, read these and you'll agree with me that Pro is worth the extra money. I used to buy XP home lic. for my systems, now I am trying to go all pro. I very often run more than 5 machines on my home lan though and have personally often seen the frustrating network shortfalls of the XP home machines.

Thus, I am not happy with MS for creating this crippled lite version and would like pro for under $100, but can't do much about it. For people with 1 or 2 home computers who don't need any networking abilities beyond XP Home, I still save them money with Home, but I now always offer a Pro upgrade. Have to or I'd feel bad, or have some explaining to do later.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
Just "ONE", only one!

I'll go to a EB store soon and when I come across one I'll post back.

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
so if it is between MY ears, why are you saying he is full of it? Is it between his ears too?

..this is very useful and helpful place for information...
Ok, I said I would get back after I had been to a EB Store and post a game that specifies that it will run on XP Home but not Pro.

Here it is - Tomb Raider The Last Revelation [CORE, Red-Ant Enterprises (Big Bytes)].

Spec's as written on packet - Windows 95/98/ME/XP(Home Edition).

Ok, I know XP Home is the basic of XP Pro, and if it says it will run on XP Home you would think that it should run on Pro without any problems.

There must be a reason for Red-Ant to highlight XP Home not Pro.

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
Children, children-play nice or I will have to seperate you two. That said, I would recommend XP Home. This computer is not on a lan requiring permissions... and XP Home is less of a load, so more resources are left for gaming. Just for the record, I use XP Pro, but becouse I like to make stripped volumes for pagong file and programs.
Hey, when you know you've seen a game that states 95, 98, ME & XP(Home Edition) and someone says that it's crap, you must reply to it. If something I say is incorrect, I don't mind being corrected, and I will be corrected, he he.

How many posts have you repied too, buggerall by the sounds of it. This talk is the norm, get used to it, :)

<font color=red>DCB</font color=red><font color=white>_</font color=white><font color=blue>AU</font color=blue>
You are right about the games. It is just some people take things a bit to seriously. They post profanity ( I am not saying what you said was) and I sometimes get the feeling that some people, if they were in the same room would be having fist fights. We are all supposed to be adults, we should show that, my post was ment to lighten things up a bit. Read Coolsquirtle's verbal rampage on me on the " the banned Kenny" post-near the bottom.