You tell me about it. Mac and PC


Jan 4, 2006
I am a Mac user since I was 14, and two years ago I built my own PC. Nothing fancy, just enough to work. I don´t game, just edit. Final cut pro, Cleaner XL, Logic Pro, Aperture and Photoshop on the G5, Magix and Sony Vegas on the PC. My G5 has almost 3 yo with two 1.8 ghz CPUs. What do you think about the MACs that will come with Intel? Should I buy one and sell my old one? (don't think u can answer it since they aren´t on the market yet) or should I buy a high end PC with AMD X2 with Vista coming ahead?
Time for me can be crucial sometimes, but i also want a crash free computer like my G5. Do you recommend a new pc or a new IntelMac?
I want too keep both systems because different software.

Thanks in advance
If you want a solid crash free system, then go w/ MacTel. MacOS is still a hellava lot more stable than WinXP. And since MacOS is now essentially linux, it'll run very well on an Intel based processor.

However, WinXP is (and was out of the box) exponentially more stable than Win98/ME. So... if M$ continues their trend of "stabilism" (is that even a word? LOL), then Vista will be even more stable than WinXP. In theory of course. 🙂

Seriously though, if you like MacOS and Apple then stick with it. But if u wanna play games and have more options in software, get a PC w/ Vista.

thanks man, maybe I'll wait and see some benchmarks of the Intel G5s, and hope for a good pricing too. And since I don´t game... i´ll just keep my old PC
i know what type of work u do
Opterons are ur best choice, and MacOS X will not be avaialbe just for Intel CPU's, all u need is a CPU with SSE2 Extension...
Uhhhh no. MacOS will only be exclusively available on Intel based machines that Apple is going to manufacture. Now, a few sites have hacked Tiger and gotten it to run on their custom Intel/AMD systems, but it's illegal and the results haven't been all that great. Besides it's a huge frikin fiasco to do it. There are major limitations to the hack. The first being the inability to run Windows in any form or fashion using the hack and the second being crappy driver support for basic things like SATA, video cards, and sound cards. In reality, there never will be driver support for 99% of the hardware out there. Apples tends to use just one manufacturer for sound cards, video cards, etc. So if Apple decides to exclusively use nVidia for MacTel- anyone w/ an ATI card will be shit out of luck. The same can be said for sound cards, chipsets, etc.

Will generic drivers work? Maybe. But if they do, they won't work well. So you can forget things like games and any other application that works at the hardware level.

So, this whole "Tiger will work on any Intel or AMD based machine that has SSE2" crap is just that. Crap.

I don't think this fellow wants to go thru the hassle of hacking Tiger to work on his Opteron only to end up with a half working OS.

Uhhhh no. MacOS will only be exclusively available on Intel based machines that Apple is going to manufacture. Now, a few sites have hacked Tiger and gotten it to run on their custom Intel/AMD systems, but it's illegal and the results haven't been all that great. Besides it's a huge frikin fiasco to do it. There are major limitations to the hack. The first being the inability to run Windows in any form or fashion using the hack and the second being crappy driver support for basic things like SATA, video cards, and sound cards. In reality, there never will be driver support for 99% of the hardware out there. Apples tends to use just one manufacturer for sound cards, video cards, etc. So if Apple decides to exclusively use nVidia for MacTel- anyone w/ an ATI card will be shit out of luck. The same can be said for sound cards, chipsets, etc.

Will generic drivers work? Maybe. But if they do, they won't work well. So you can forget things like games and any other application that works at the hardware level.

So, this whole "Tiger will work on any Intel or AMD based machine that has SSE2" crap is just that. Crap.

I don't think this fellow wants to go thru the hassle of hacking Tiger to work on his Opteron only to end up with a half working OS.

Yes, you're fully right. I have to take full advantages of my tiger, not to mention stability (don´t bother to let G5 compressing 24/7), otherwise I would only use PCs, and I haven't any hacking experiences. I would consider too the high end Dual Core Dual 2.5 G5, but the price would go to $16000 and man, that's a lot of money! I use my pc to edit small things, but mainly to use dual monitor function.
Mac users should stick with macs in all honesty. PC's are a bit more difficult to use than a Mac because a PC is far more customizable than a Mac. ALso stick with your mac because there is no PC version of final cut pro.

Generally unless you feel brave and wanna try something new stick with what you're most comfortable with.

However; if you want a PC version of your mac (because you do want to venture into something new) then you want vegas pro (professional video editing program), 1-2GBs of ram 2x 300GB drives serial ATA (one drive for system and another drive for video) and whatever firewire and stuff you need. You will want something that is 3ghz or better.

Intel vs AMD - pick whichever you feel comfortable with and fits your budget.

crash free is a myth and there is no such thing. Even current macs crash. Crashing usually involves with bad hardware or combatibility problems.

good luck!

I am a Mac user since I was 14, and two years ago I built my own PC. Nothing fancy, just enough to work. I don´t game, just edit. Final cut pro, Cleaner XL, Logic Pro, Aperture and Photoshop on the G5, Magix and Sony Vegas on the PC. My G5 has almost 3 yo with two 1.8 ghz CPUs. What do you think about the MACs that will come with Intel? Should I buy one and sell my old one? (don't think u can answer it since they aren´t on the market yet) or should I buy a high end PC with AMD X2 with Vista coming ahead?
Time for me can be crucial sometimes, but i also want a crash free computer like my G5. Do you recommend a new pc or a new IntelMac?
I want too keep both systems because different software.

Thanks in advance
even if he did get a pC and put mac OS on it all the programs for mac will not work on the intel based machine.

SOfware is not keyed to OS (operating system) they are keyed to the actual processor. Because the processors are drasticily different ALL mac software will NOT work on an intel based machine running Mac OS with an exception. The exception being that the OS came with an interpreter that interprets the MAC machine code to the x86 (intel) machine code.

If you want a solid crash free system, then go w/ MacTel. MacOS is still a hellava lot more stable than WinXP. And since MacOS is now essentially linux, it'll run very well on an Intel based processor.

However, WinXP is (and was out of the box) exponentially more stable than Win98/ME. So... if M$ continues their trend of "stabilism" (is that even a word? LOL), then Vista will be even more stable than WinXP. In theory of course. 🙂

Seriously though, if you like MacOS and Apple then stick with it. But if u wanna play games and have more options in software, get a PC w/ Vista.

The exception being that the OS came with an interpreter that interprets the MAC machine code to the x86 (intel) machine code.

You mean an emulator. 🙂

MacTel Tiger OSX will almost certainly use an emulator for PPC based Mac programs.

Apple is going to have to use emulation for Mac programs cause like you said, most Mac programs won't run on an MacTel machine.

"Emulator" is an interpreter. Assuming i'm spelling interpreter right.

You are forgetting emulation. 🙂

MacTel Tiger OSX will almost certainly use an emulator for PPC based Mac programs.

Apple is going to have to use emulation for Mac programs cause like you said, most Mac programs won't run on an MacTel machine.

I should also mention that when you interpret things it runs significantly slower. Signifcant meaning up to 200% slower or worst.

The exception being that the OS came with an interpreter that interprets the MAC machine code to the x86 (intel) machine code.

You mean an emulator. 🙂

MacTel Tiger OSX will almost certainly use an emulator for PPC based Mac programs.

Apple is going to have to use emulation for Mac programs cause like you said, most Mac programs won't run on an MacTel machine.

I'll throw my 2-bits in on this too.

If I had the money to run two good machines I would get a Mac for the uses you're talking about and keep my PC (an AMD machine) for gaming, internet and such. My first reaction to hearing about Apple going to Intel was "Oh no." Then I thought about it and realized that the use I'd make of a Mac would be the same as if I built an Intel machine, now if only I had the money... If my five year old AMD system hadn't just completely bit the dust, I'd be saving towards adding a Mac to my setup.

I totally wierded out my anime club when I started running showings from the Mac instead of the PC.