Not sure why no one catches this, but I'll clarify my experience with win10.
OK, to start - I have been on "computers" since the late 80's. Extensively. In short they are almost an integral part of my life. And yes: I HAVE tried windows 10. It is not
that I "hate" it so much as what it IS.
First and foremost, I am not one of those "herd" groups that if everyone is doing it, I might as well. With that said, that mind set is not entirely accurate as many people,
the uninformed were pretty much suckered/forced into windows 10 (woke up after an update and POOF!! new system). And yet others just wanted a FREE MODERN UP TO DATE WINDOWS. I
was not so easily swayed. I smell a fish - as my buddy used to comically say. Zig Zigler used to say "Good things are seldom cheap, and cheap things are seldom good" - goes
doubly true for FREE CRAP! No such thing.
Breaking that down, I already saw an issue. Forcing free stuff on people is never good, at least for the person getting it (hey free heroine, try it - you'll like it, just
come back to me - sound familiar- we all know what happens next right?). Is the system at its core good. YES. My experience has shown it holds up well with my hard core gaming
habits, however, there is one MAJOR flaw in the OS - the lack of security - OH STOP IT. Don't be so ignorant! Why does it need to track you, both in text(key logging) - hell,
even the nationwide hospitals had to change their HEPPA laws due to these security issues.
To explain, I need to help you kids out what AV'S are and why people THINK they need them. I have never run an AV on my system, even to this day, for several reason - but that
explanation stretches beyond the scope of this (long) answer.
Even back in the BBS world, there was AV's. Back then (like UNIONS) they were needed, but LIKE UNIONS not today. unless, like today, you are surfing places you should not be.
First off, no one gets "viruses" that is a myth perpetuated by Hollywood and uninformed social media. What people normally get are malware/spyware and adware to name a few.
Unless you are totally retarded, it is virtually impossible to get a virus. Again, a topic for another thread. So what does this have to do with my hatred for win10. I'll come
back to that in a min.
ONe issue though, is the multitude of tracking crap that is on there - that DOES NOT NEED TO BE. While people tell me,
"..oh you can turn that stuff off" - not really as only a handful is visible to the typical layman, and even more are harder to find. There is actually over 70+ pieces of
tracking software on win10. But my response has always been,
"why is it there in the first place to turn off?"
So back to the AV's. They are designed to stop intruders/ hackers and the like from just that. They are designed to stop "someone/something" is compramizing your data. Your
personal information (keep in mind, AV's cannot discerns if the person is a good person or bad, it only addresses the software and its functionality - i.e. some app is taking
your personal data from point A to point B with/without your knowledge). It alerts you that what you are getting ready to use might be a keylogger - something that tracks your
keystrokes to the other computer (remember what I said. Software does know know about people, it is only programed to track a malicious executing software - and to me,
something tracking my keystrokes, looking at my monitor, is pretty malicious. Some of you more tech savvy are probably already scratching your head with a "....oohhh,,hmmmmmm"
and are already seeing where this is going - GOOD - need more people like you.
Now how does this apply to windows 10? Yup. The only way windows can circumvent all the keylogging, tracking, watching you (camera did you forget that one), listening to you-
you do have a microphone right? and sending personal data back and forth from your PC to their databank without triggering the AV to alert you that your computer security is
being circumvented
Thats right boys and girls. If you run win10, YOUR SYSTEM HAS BEEN WHITELISTED to allow M$ access to your system 24/7
GASP!! HOLD ON: It gets way better.....
This opens another can of worms. If these AV's are subsides by M$ to allow their "hacking/tracking" software through the security gates of your favorite AV, who is to say that
all these AV's are ALSO accepting funds from other - not so well known - organizations to allow your data through them as well. Maybe some bill colelctor company has enough
pull to fork out some cash to let them spy on you too - quietly of course. How many other companies, even terrorist (hacker organizations) are paying millions of dollars to
these AV's to let them snoop on your system?
Now, at least for me, makes sense why M$ wants to have win10 in every home. Force it on your update, Give it to you free. Just get it. Even the pirates of OS"s have no problem
getting a LEGAL copy of win10. They WANT you to have it. They don't care - it's not about the money, your information they obtain will more that make up for the loss of the
Win10 OS System.
Windows 10 is the worlds largest socially acepted virus - and is accepted with open arms. It is no secret, both to everyone, and even in their privacy policy - which they have
in BOLD PRINT they take your data and store it on their network databank. And now with the recent annaversary update YOU CANNOT TURN OFF CORTANA!!! Thats right, she is
permanently watching you. (there is a hack to get her off there - but then are we introuble for hacking our own furniture?). They say they beefed up security - but how are we
able to block them from us?
So ya, I'll keep win7, If I didn't grow up on windows, and do a lot of my work in windows apps, as well as heavy gaming I would instantly switch to linux.
Ya, you guys keep your Virus.