Your Experience with Windows 10

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I know, I've re-enabled it. Also the Right Click -> Preview opens with whatever the default program is for me, so in my case it opens them in Fireworks, same as double-clicking

(sorry I mistyped in my previous post, it's supposed to read Program, More Programs, Windows Photo Viewer)
Ok this post has been running for a long time but here is my opinion of 10 , I put the free version on top of 7 to learn my way round the new system before I took delivery of a custom built rig that would have 10 on it. At first I did not like it but then it grew on me. so I don't have to keep typing into search box I have short cuts to access thing I use all the time , "occasionally" used items are placed on the tiles. My personal opinion is 10 is the best op since xp.

That said here are a list of the things I don't like.

Microsoft downloads have given me programs such as groove music and the films/tv program that I did not ask for and I cant delete them as they are greyed out in add/remove.

Microsoft have a big still for downloads because now you have to take everything they have to offer , you cant hide the bits you don't want like in previous op sys , you can get 3rd party software to hide stuff but they don't work , the Microsoft database does not know you hid something it still thinks you not got it.

The reliability log tells me about problems I know I don't have , example , " the edge failed to respond 10 times in a space of 15 minutes" , no it did not fail I was using it !!!!!

The search box is a bit hit and miss , unless you type the words for something you want exactly how it is stored you wont find it but you will get a web link that eventually tells you how to find what you want , example , type virtual memory and you wont go to it , it is a 5 step move to find it.

Logins , unless you type netplwiz into the run box and follow the prompts you will have to put in your Microsoft account password as well as your usual password if you have your pc set for one.

A tip for all users , I still use my space pc with the free windows 10 on it , I use it for downloads etc , if something goes wrong I don't put the same thing on my games rig , on several occasions it has saved me from putting rubbish or suspect items on my games rig.

All those microsoft junk is kinda annoying but at least PC these day have so many storage that some lost space is negligible but still, annoying

Actually the search is still like old window 7. You just have to disable search from look up the result from website. it has something to do with cortana. I'm kinda lazy to search online so you need to search yourself. I manage to disable it as i can remember, it feel the same when i'm on window 7.

Almost a decade i use window and i never know there is a reliability report in window. Thanks to you now i know and knew something new.
This shows how to remove all apps that are pre installed on win 10 including Groove music -

windows 10 will also remember what you had installed previously so if you remove apps and then fresh install, it won't install them again (helps to login using MSA for this to work)

Logins: not sure about this, I use a local account and only ever need to enter 1 password. You can link store to an MSA without needing to login using it. Same applies to other things like Photos and onedrive.

Well I have used it on three all in one computers and two laptops. It worked well with my 2015 HP Envy 23, very little problem upgrading and using it.

Then I updated an Acer ZC-700G all in one. Seem the Acer's auto-programing slows the computer down especially when first booting up.

then I update an HP Pavilion 21 all in one. Now that was interesting seeing I could not use it in Tablet mode and it wouldn't work the touch screen functions worked fine in a browser but as for the desktop the touch screen didn't work. I called Microsoft who said it is a driver problem and to call HP. So I called HP and they said it has the updated driver and it was a windows problem. Talk about passing the buck. So I put it back to win 8 and use it is tablet mode. I just need it for my intellectually disabled so and I wanted to limit what he does so as a touch screen he has only one icon he can touch other than the trash and that one is linked to his favorite youtube videos on cars and hot wheels.

It works great on my old Dell laptop after I upgraded the ram to 4 GB. It work great on my MSI VX600 for some time until the on board graphics card/chip failed. Couldn't replace it as it was part of the mother board and here in the states I can't find anyone with the equipment to replace the graphic chip. Which rendered the computer useless but I still hold on to it. if I go back to the Philippines I can find someone who has the right tools to replace it. It is a very nice laptop was one of the best in it class in its day in 2012.

But generally I like windows ten, I set it up to go to a desktop like windows 7 and use some of the down loads apps from google store. If it gets stuck usually just rebooting fixes it, But that is rarely.

I give windows 10 four out of five stars.
Windows 10 is the best so far. I was using 8.1 and now I am using Windows 10. Windows 8 was annoying as it was causing many problems. It has super speed and updates automatically.
Windows 10 has been working good, windows defender did cause grief with it really wanting to have its firewall active along with my Webroot, temporarily killing my internet connection, but otherwise its been good. previous computer mcafee did me no good and it was killed by viruses, causing windows 10 to fail to boot.

Wait wait wait... Hold up, so you went out and bought a NEW COMPUTER, because Windows 10 dumped a Windows 7 Video Driver....? I cant.... just what? Also, it was YOUR choice to test Windows 10 and be put in the funnel for early updates. I have not had a SINGLE issue with Windows 10, I have it running on ,y HP EliteBook 8560w, my Desktop that is 9 years old, and the wifes iMac. No issues, and she prefers 10 over OSX (I know, right?)

I tested Vista back when it was Beta on my e-machines, and it would crash out the nVidia drivers for the nForce chipset and my Videocard after about 5 minutes of use (domino effect, once one went, the others followed, this was eventually fixed in retail) So I just re-installed XP and I was done!
So win 10 1809 comes with focus assist which replaced Quiet hours... It has a feature where it will block all notifications based on rules between certain hours. That is fine, but every night when it starts the blocking process, it sends a notification saying it will do that.. um, why not just silently do it instead of creating the very thing its meant to block

I gave Microsoft some feedback about that on their app.
Not sure why no one catches this, but I'll clarify my experience with win10.

OK, to start - I have been on "computers" since the late 80's. Extensively. In short they are almost an integral part of my life. And yes: I HAVE tried windows 10. It is not

that I "hate" it so much as what it IS.

First and foremost, I am not one of those "herd" groups that if everyone is doing it, I might as well. With that said, that mind set is not entirely accurate as many people,

the uninformed were pretty much suckered/forced into windows 10 (woke up after an update and POOF!! new system). And yet others just wanted a FREE MODERN UP TO DATE WINDOWS. I

was not so easily swayed. I smell a fish - as my buddy used to comically say. Zig Zigler used to say "Good things are seldom cheap, and cheap things are seldom good" - goes

doubly true for FREE CRAP! No such thing.

Breaking that down, I already saw an issue. Forcing free stuff on people is never good, at least for the person getting it (hey free heroine, try it - you'll like it, just

come back to me - sound familiar- we all know what happens next right?). Is the system at its core good. YES. My experience has shown it holds up well with my hard core gaming

habits, however, there is one MAJOR flaw in the OS - the lack of security - OH STOP IT. Don't be so ignorant! Why does it need to track you, both in text(key logging) - hell,

even the nationwide hospitals had to change their HEPPA laws due to these security issues.

To explain, I need to help you kids out what AV'S are and why people THINK they need them. I have never run an AV on my system, even to this day, for several reason - but that

explanation stretches beyond the scope of this (long) answer.

Even back in the BBS world, there was AV's. Back then (like UNIONS) they were needed, but LIKE UNIONS not today. unless, like today, you are surfing places you should not be.

First off, no one gets "viruses" that is a myth perpetuated by Hollywood and uninformed social media. What people normally get are malware/spyware and adware to name a few.

Unless you are totally retarded, it is virtually impossible to get a virus. Again, a topic for another thread. So what does this have to do with my hatred for win10. I'll come

back to that in a min.
ONe issue though, is the multitude of tracking crap that is on there - that DOES NOT NEED TO BE. While people tell me,
"..oh you can turn that stuff off" - not really as only a handful is visible to the typical layman, and even more are harder to find. There is actually over 70+ pieces of

tracking software on win10. But my response has always been,
"why is it there in the first place to turn off?"

So back to the AV's. They are designed to stop intruders/ hackers and the like from just that. They are designed to stop "someone/something" is compramizing your data. Your

personal information (keep in mind, AV's cannot discerns if the person is a good person or bad, it only addresses the software and its functionality - i.e. some app is taking

your personal data from point A to point B with/without your knowledge). It alerts you that what you are getting ready to use might be a keylogger - something that tracks your

keystrokes to the other computer (remember what I said. Software does know know about people, it is only programed to track a malicious executing software - and to me,

something tracking my keystrokes, looking at my monitor, is pretty malicious. Some of you more tech savvy are probably already scratching your head with a "....oohhh,,hmmmmmm"

and are already seeing where this is going - GOOD - need more people like you.

Now how does this apply to windows 10? Yup. The only way windows can circumvent all the keylogging, tracking, watching you (camera did you forget that one), listening to you-

you do have a microphone right? and sending personal data back and forth from your PC to their databank without triggering the AV to alert you that your computer security is

being circumvented


Thats right boys and girls. If you run win10, YOUR SYSTEM HAS BEEN WHITELISTED to allow M$ access to your system 24/7

GASP!! HOLD ON: It gets way better.....

This opens another can of worms. If these AV's are subsides by M$ to allow their "hacking/tracking" software through the security gates of your favorite AV, who is to say that

all these AV's are ALSO accepting funds from other - not so well known - organizations to allow your data through them as well. Maybe some bill colelctor company has enough

pull to fork out some cash to let them spy on you too - quietly of course. How many other companies, even terrorist (hacker organizations) are paying millions of dollars to

these AV's to let them snoop on your system?
Now, at least for me, makes sense why M$ wants to have win10 in every home. Force it on your update, Give it to you free. Just get it. Even the pirates of OS"s have no problem

getting a LEGAL copy of win10. They WANT you to have it. They don't care - it's not about the money, your information they obtain will more that make up for the loss of the

Win10 OS System.

Windows 10 is the worlds largest socially acepted virus - and is accepted with open arms. It is no secret, both to everyone, and even in their privacy policy - which they have

in BOLD PRINT they take your data and store it on their network databank. And now with the recent annaversary update YOU CANNOT TURN OFF CORTANA!!! Thats right, she is

permanently watching you. (there is a hack to get her off there - but then are we introuble for hacking our own furniture?). They say they beefed up security - but how are we

able to block them from us?

So ya, I'll keep win7, If I didn't grow up on windows, and do a lot of my work in windows apps, as well as heavy gaming I would instantly switch to linux.

Ya, you guys keep your Virus.
i think mircosoft windows had only one improve,can be say it is a new version windows,not a treat,police known.
This is the reason i like Symbian and window 7. Both have almost same menu structure with menu, main menu and sub menu. Both also allow advance configuring. Now window10 is like iphone or BlackBerry 10. Here part menu and sub menu and another part menu and sub menu instead of grouping all in one place.
I'm right now thrilled, overwhelmed, happy and so amazed for what happened with me today and how windows 10 was there for me! That's so beautiful I realized how life is really beautiful and how people care for each other and how the engineers in Microsoft did a wonderful work for the best experience in many aspects.

My aspect is with saving my work, I didn't expect that Windows 10 is saving my session, after I removed the HDD from my laptop, connected it to my desktop PC hoping to update my BF4 folder, I thought the folder on the desktop is out of date, but it actually didn't need any huge update, just a small update with origin, still didn't have enough that there's nothing so important to keep the laptop's HDD connected and connect it back to the laptop, continued to play with the folders ... found some serious work folders, thought these are copies on my desktop HDD, where they actually my laptop folders! Easily deleted them, and checking the partitions found that it's YOUR LAPTOP FOLDERS, I was collapsing right away, tried to restore them from the recycle bin, found only one folder because I also was playing with restoring them on the original folder! So they lost with only undo delete! That was very serious, tried other methods online didn't work, accepted the fact that they are gone, no way to retrieve them.

Sadly, got my laptop HDD to the laptop, powered the laptop and BOOOM, my last session is there! OMG that was so so amazing, thanks GOD and thank you Microsoft for this amazing updates, that I know they are important but this time, it is so remarkable.

I sent them similar story to Microsoft feedback.

"Thank you so much for this amazing technology, windows 10 is the best I love you all, windows 10 saved my session on the HDD on my laptop, I disconnected it from the laptop and launched it on my desktop PC then I did some work and by mistake I deleted very important folder was having my files I was working on I realized the mistake tried to find them, didn't work! I didn't think that the laptop is saving my session, so I connected the HDD back to the laptop powered it on, when windows started the session was there! I immediately kneel for God, and thanked God for this amazing technology :) definitely windows 10 is a huge improvement and the updates are very important."
My experience is not good with 10. I have upgraded my Fujitsu laptop straight to WINDOWS 10 from 7. With 7, I was quite satisfied just wanted some new features and was definitely hyped by Windows 10. As for now, I'm not good with it, 10 is somehow very confusing
Well I think windows 10 overall was a bit crappy getting used to, but ever since I have enjoyed it pretty well. Except for ONE THING. For some reason Windows gives some software permission to open without it being in the start folder. So havent been able to disable this. Which means, every single time chrome opens with all my tabs, which might cause videos playing before I have even logged in + slows down the booting process quite a bit :/

That's a setting in Chrome, which you can change.
Nothing to do with the OS.

I think you have misunderstood. I dont mind the "open where I left off" thing, I set that myself. The problem is chrome launching without me clicking it, before I have even logged in to my account. There is not such a setting in chrome (I just checked) and I already disabled it from the windows startup list. So unless I am missing something here, seems like it is.

OK, that's different.
There is a setting somewhere to disable that.

My system certainly does not do that.
This is a Windows 10 "feature" that's carried over from previous versions of Windows:

Why does my computer go to sleep during a Windows Update?
Why does my computer go to sleep during an application install?
Why does my computer go to sleep during an extended download?

These questions lead to my final question:
Why do I have to adjust my screen saver and power plan in order to perform basic functions? Otherwise, if I'm not sitting there wiggling my mouse at regular intervals, my PC is going to sleep.

I like Windows 10 so far, but two things they could do a better job with are:
1) Stay awake while the PC is doing work. There should be something that would indicate to the operating system that there is a windows update, an application install or a consistent stream of data coming into the PC and being written to disk. Give us an option like "Make my computer aware of basic functions".
2) Have a better update process that doesn't fail so often and provides better feedback. Windows 7 seemed to have this in a good place. Windows 8 was the beginning of update problems and this has carried over to Windows 10. Most PCs I've owned and worked have had a problem with a failed update at some time during the Windows 10 installation.

yours answers is so great!i just go to the computer books store and buy the computer book to solve my computer question!
i just know use win 10 ctrl alt delete have new function can click button.工作列的工作管理員,sorry i m using chinese windows
i was enjoying it thoroughly, until it said sorry you now have to pay.... at first i thought "well played microsoft" this is great as we have paid for every other one so why not a free one for good measure. then bam!! sysem became usless.. i guess they wanted to catch the pirated users to buy in. i got so used to it and enjoyed so i just bought it. i best thing since windows XP, simple and sturdy.... my windows now has disabled me from accessing my drives and i cannot even get into bios.. but i read a review that said spam the del button, or unplugg a hdd and force bios boot. before i post a new topic or blog so to speak. have a lekka day further.

I don't know what you installed, but an Unactivated Windows 10 does not "become useless", or disable access to any drives.

I have a long term Win 10 Pro, Unactivated, to test exactly this concept.
Installed Dec 8 2016, 584 days.
Running exactly as it did on Day 1.
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