Question Your thoughts on this PSU ?

Aug 3, 2024
I recently bought an RX 580 2048SP GPU and I couldn't use my existing power supply so I had to buy another one pictured below. Is it a good one?


my specs are :
H61 m4 motherboard
8gb ram 1666mhz
and a 500gb hdd
Why does the PSU look like it's been used? One more thing, you should be looking at a 550W(with headroom) unit instead of a 400W unit. My vote is no to that unit shown above.

You also might want to stop creating multiple threads on the same topic. Helps avoid spaghetti brains.
first, yea the seller said it was used
secondly, 550w power supply costs 50$ on my country
finally, the previous thread wasnt getting any comments so i had to make another one