Question Youtube/Netflix Microstutter, crashes.


Feb 15, 2021
For a while now, I've been having issues that seem to be GPU related. At best, the problems involve occasional video stutter in Youtube and Netflix, and heavy stutter in only one game, Hitman 3. At worst, I've had 2 BSOD's, possibly caused by bad GPU drivers. However, I've tried uninstalling the GPU drivers with DDU and reinstalling to the latest version, but the problems persist. To me, this indicates the problem lies elsewhere. Specs for current build are in my signature.

Minidump link from latest crash for those interested:!AkAzlxZO8RqZvE9Yt89TaKkxKRTa?e=S0PMzf
Update: I've installed the latest chipset drivers from AMD. The stutter in Hitman 3 has dropped significantly, almost to non-noticeable levels. Time will tell if this fixes my Youtube/Netflix stutter and crashes.

EDIT: Now I've noticed the stutter isn't limited to Youtube/Netflix. Just had a stutter when I inserted something into a USB port. Maybe another driver needs updating? Otherwise, can it be some background application like iCue causing problems?
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