YouTube-trained radicals ... Is Youtube at least partly to blame?

YouTube-trained radicals ... should Youtube be at least partly to blame?

  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters

Is YouTube doing enough to keep this rubbish from contaminating the brains of our youth?

Below is an excerp from the article if your too lazy to click the link.

Should online content owners be help more accountable for allowing material on their sites which encourage this sort of violence?

But much of the ''education'' and radicalisation now happens on home soil, or online. YouTube and other sites carry video sermons from radical clerics.

One of the most-cited is Yemen preacher Anwar al-Awlaki - who was killed by a drone strike in 2011.

The co-founder of Inspire advocated what some officials dubbed the ''just do it'' brand of terrorism, writing, ''Assassinations, bombings and acts of arson are all legitimate forms of revenge against a system that relishes the sacrilege of Islam.''

Awlaki's sermons are continually put on YouTube and other sites, as officials work to have them removed. In one video he advised, ''Don't consult with anybody in killing the Americans - fighting the devil doesn't require consultation.''

Roshonara Choudhry, 21, who was jailed for stabbing East Ham MP Stephen Timms with a kitchen knife in 2010, told police she had been radicalised by Awlaki ''explaining stories from the Koran and explaining about jihad''. ''If you go on YouTube there's a lot of his videos there,'' she told police.

A lot of the radical material online mentions beheading, quoting a verse from the Koran on ''smiting the necks'' of unbelievers.

British authorities have met to determine whether they need to brace for more attacks. But even if the latest murder was not part of a broader plot, it is unlikely these will be the last lone wolves to attempt acts of terror on British soil.

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Its such a tricky subject because we love our freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Youtube is still an American company right? - Seriously Im not sure, or how an American companies laws are applied overseas?

I would be down for a removal of some of the really radical stuff specifically calling for the killing of innocent people. Or even some sort of Muslim outreach group they could consult with, one that has a more progressive peaceful version of Islam they are selling.

Or funniest case scenario have the someone dub all the crazy radical videos with new audio. The Audio could be as simple as "Ive been wrong this whole time Pork is delicious, no more killing infidels, Im going to get a drink"
YouTube is a communications medium. Traditionally, we don't hold these companies (think phone company, ISP) responsible for content distributed over them.

What is partly to blame, or more accurately responsible, is technology in general and our shrinking world. Radicals living in sparsely populated areas that we used to consider obscure used to reach a larger audience by sending VHS tapes. Before that, radicals like our Founding Fathers used the printing press.

Then came chat rooms, airplanes, email, PGP, YouTube, and a host of other technological advances. All of these made it easier for those who hate us to attack us and share their methods. Without airplanes, very few people from (insert name of terrorist-breeding state here) would be able to come over here to attack Americans. Or would be living under American occupation. So do we blame airplanes?

YouTube is as much to blame as the airplane. We don't hold the airline that flew a bomber over here for terrorism, we don't blame the cellphone service provider they used to coordinate, why should we blame the social media site they used to recruit? All of these things made it easier for them to succeed, but that does not equate to blame.
The president sure holds it as responsible, or those that make them.
Even talking about them and exaggerating.

I guess we can stop it here, but it wont really stop it. Problem with readily available content is, is takes much longer with much higher risks til saturation happens.
Perilous times these are, much more so than a group living in their own land having to pay taxes, not allowed to defend themselves, and to be told how to live, what to do, not to do by foreigners, basically a potential nanny state, owned by others.
I agree OMG.
Just as theres limits to free speech, theres limits here as well.
The hits and giggles parade has to have lines, even if it means a few bucks lost, a few commonly accepted limitations as well, but again, if you really want them, people will get them, which by the way, would make it easier to define who these people are, and why they peruse such things, and be easier to proclaim what their intentions are, and not go off on this unknown we currently have, where our leaders are stymied on what to say, what to call what, and whos doing it.
But this isnt a progressive thought, it is a conservative one, and so, it wont fly
To clarify who these people are, lets look at this link, a very liberal/progressive thing, a government funded/tax funded radio.
This is an agneda, not a common sense thing.
The weaker amongst us have taken it up as their cause, and o too I feel as things as it relates to the OP in our country, but mainly others, in like ways and forms.
Read my link, as a neutral employee of a national media asks about common core.
The guy from NPR is adamant that we have this here in my state, even beyond someone whos suppodely liberal, a democrat, and shows that Minnesotas standards and results are superior.
Yet this NPR man wont let it go, as if this democrat isnt doing her job by not adopting this indoctinational crap.

Now, place yourself as a young person, where God is everywhere and in everything, from the laws to the leaders, to the parents, where its OK to slaughter unfaithful wives and promiscuous daughters, and then watch certain youtube links.
So, before anyone dismisses this and raises their so called freedoms or rights to a complete and open level, I remember a time when certain things were kept from youth, and the always "theyll do it anyways" attitude, where I come in with, if its downsized and limited, its easier to se and follow such a problem, "freedom" be damned, or common sense be raised
Currently, more and more, anti immigration leaders are becoming more and more popular in Europe.
Its typical European, they let things build til they have to fight their neighbors back.
One good thing is, Germany has a strict/conservative immigration set up, and doesnt have the problems the more liberal countries do, but I hold, Germany still loves German is why.

Even some libs here are finding diversity isnt what its all cracked up to be, and using immigration to break down conservatism of the old ways is now being questioned here and abroad.
Assimilation isnt happening in many countries, and is partly why my thread about the left and religion counts so much today, as they dont have any, or many dont, or is watered down, and they simply dont understand whats coming. They cant even call something for what it is, and go out of their way to protect it, while smashing the old values.
It used to be, assimilation would happen within 2-3 generations, where now were finding those whove never been of a faith killing en masse, and still some cant call it or see it for what it is, instead its analyzed and watered down, where to them, other groups arent doing this, so WE must be doing something wrong, Thats proof they have no clue
Extremist content should be banned from Youtube ... any ideological content advocating that people should disobey local laws and kill other people ... that sort of thing.

Hey Mr Google ... your reading this??

Sadly Google is more worried about their revinue stream ... and sending websites cease and desist orders relating to having YouTube Downloader links active on their sites ...

We do our best to remove these links becuase we think its the right thing to do ... we respect Google.

Google needs to man up and stop radicals from putting training videos and radical messages of hate on their servers.

In short Mr Google, your moderators need to clean up your site ...
I gave a few examples, and tried to imagine how things are perceived abroad.
Now, we have many instances where things can cause extreme reactions in people.
They should be checked out by like minded people of good standing, then listen to them
Yea, the war on terror is over
Syrian-born Islamist cleric who taught one of the attackers accused of hacking to death an off-duty British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street praised the attack for its "courage" and said Muslims would see it as a strike on a military target.
Especially since most believers are no different in one main way.
They are to serve no other God.
Whether you kill to achieve this for/to your neighbor isnt found in most religions.

Assuming you kill innocents is OK, using that logic, so is using drones and collateral damage doesnt matter, so whats their point to begin with?
Maybe just to kill?
No, Im thinking its power over others.

Yeah ... we should put you in charge of something.

I'm not quite sure what tho ...
I totally agree with you You Tube is a big influence on these sick minds watching these agitating videos of our youth be coming radicalized.

Wooahh ... hold on there ... the tube is great ... it just needs better moderation.

I love watching those Rusky car crash videos and the old scifi movies from the 50's and 60's ... plus the live music videos and the trillions of crazy bloopers.

We just need the violent nutters removed.

Please leave glenn Beck there so we can moon and lampoon him tho ...

You forgot the tinfoil hat designer and tool Alex Jones
What I meant is that if you host content and then moderate it, you should do a decent job of moderating the content.

Youtube moderates their content ... they simply do a poor job of it.

Allowing content which is highly offensive, encouraging people to violent acts on the basis of circular thinking or tautological intent (read this as a typical extremist religious persecution complex) is simply encouraging anarchism.

Videos on how to cause mass destruction, make explosives and engage in wanton terror should be taken down immediately.

Hosting sites should be held accountable to some sort of standards.

If Marketing and Media can apply such standards, then why can't YouTube?

Nobody said your free will was going to be suppressed ... its just that if you want to take an existentialist approach then the second tenet needs to equally apply - responsibility for your actions.

I apologise for the previous post if you can write a reasonable reply.